Katalog kursów ECTS

Szczegóły kursu
Kod kursu: NTSS20369f16
Rok / Semestr: 2016/2017 letni
Nazwa: Rapid Methods in Microbiological Analysis of Food
Kierunek: Technologia Żywności i Żywienie Człowieka
Typ studiów: II st. - magisterskie
Rodzaj kursu: Fakultatywny
Semestr studiow: 1
Punkty ECTS: 1
Formy kształcenia (wykłady / ćwiczenia / inne): 15 / 0 / 0
Prowadzący: prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Robak
Język: angielski

Efekty kształcenia: Knowledge: After completing the course student know rapid methods of microorganisms enumeration and identification of most important microbial species. Skills: Student will be able to choose, for any type of food, a suitable method for the control of microbiological quality of final product and during technological process to assure the safe and free of pathogens foods.

Kompetencje: Acquired knowledge allow student to set up a microbiological quality control laboratory appropriated for particular food production sector in the aim to guaranty products free of pathogenic and spoilage microbes and to control biotechnological process based on beneficial microorganisms.

Wymagania wstępne: Biochemistry, Microbiology

Treści kształcenia: Importance of microbiological analysis in alimentary domain; presentation of suitable and rapid methods for the control of process and final food product quality; description of methods for bacterial and yeast cell number enumeration (flow cytometry, ATP determination, DEFT, impedance measure BacTrac); presentation of identification methods: immunological (immunoprecipitation, ELISA, latex agglutination, immunomagnetical separation) and genetic (gene probes, ribotyping , Hybriscan and PCR based techniques); notion of predictive microbiology.

Literatura: 1. Rapid methods in food microbiology, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989; 2. Rapid microbiological methods for foods, beverages and pharmaceuticals, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1989; 3. New Techniques in food and beverage microbiology, Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, 1993; 4. Katalogi firm : Merck, Noack, bioMerieux, Sigma, itp. 5. Molecular techniques in the microbial ecology of fermented foods, Springer, NY, 2008. 6. Proteomics of microbial pathogens, WILLEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co, Weinheim, 2007.

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