Katalog kursów ECTS

Szczegóły kursu
Kod kursu: NTSS20368f16
Rok / Semestr: 2016/2017 letni
Nazwa: Biological pathogenic agents
Kierunek: Technologia Żywności i Żywienie Człowieka
Typ studiów: II st. - magisterskie
Rodzaj kursu: Fakultatywny
Semestr studiow: 1
Punkty ECTS: 1
Formy kształcenia (wykłady / ćwiczenia / inne): 15 / 0 / 0
Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. Barbara Żarowska
Język: angielski

Efekty kształcenia: Knowledge: Student is able to indicate health hazards connected with gastrointestinal tract and food products. He is can identify the symptoms of gastrointestinal tract diseases. Student knows diagnostic methods used for the detection of selected pathogens and therapeutic directions in diseases of gastrointestinal tract.

Kompetencje: Skills: Student is able to indicate health hazards connected with gastrointestinal tract and food products. He is can identify the symptoms of gastrointestinal tract diseases. Student knows diagnostic methods used for the detection of selected pathogens and therapeutic directions in diseases of gastrointestinal tract.

Wymagania wstępne: General microbiology, Food microbiology

Treści kształcenia: Diseases of gastrointestinal tract (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic and prion). Systemic infections with source in gastrointestinal tract. Tropical diseases transmitted by food. Diagnostic methods.


Metody oceny: written exam
