Katalog kursów ECTS

Szczegóły kursu
Kod kursu: BHS20073f17
Rok / Semestr: 2017/2018 letni
Nazwa: Fizjologia Trawienia i Wchłaniania
Kierunek: Zootechnika
Typ studiów: II st. - magisterskie
Rodzaj kursu: Fakultatywny
Semestr studiow: 1
Punkty ECTS: 3
Formy kształcenia (wykłady / ćwiczenia / inne): 15 / 20 / 0
Prowadzący: dr hab. Andrzej Wiliczkiewicz, prof, nadzw.
Język: polski / angielski

Efekty kształcenia:


Wymagania wstępne:

Treści kształcenia:

Literatura: Żywienie zwierząt i paszoznawstwo, pod red. D. Jamroz, Tom 1, 2, 3. Wyd. PWN, 2001.

Metody oceny: The basis for complete the subject is passing the exercises. The pass mark of exercise is the presence of all classes, and to prepare the student to the topic. To complete the course are required to acquire the required skills, representing the proper attitudes by the student and getting good ratings out of three tests. Each exercise is categorized after checking its correctness. Last 3 topics will be assessed on the assessment of which will be drawn representing the average final grade. Sudent can have one unexcused absence during exercises in the semester. However, the student should make up for this exercise with another group or embedded include exercise in leading to confirm the skills and competencies in the topic of exercises. The absence during sick confirm with certificate form doctor means pass of an exercise. However, the student should make up for this exercise with another group or pass exercise at teacher to confirm the skills and competencies in the topic of exercises.

Uwagi: Fakultet specjalizacyjny semestr I PPiDŻ