ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2012/2013 winterName:
EconomicsStudy Type:
first cycleCourse type:
compulsoryStudy Semester:
1ECTS points:
5Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
8 / 0 / 0Lecturer:
Dr inż. Andrzej DyszewskiLanguage of instruction:
PolishLearning outcomes:
KNOWLEDGE: The student after completing the course defines the concepts of advisory; recognize the characteristics adult human participating in the production process. SKILLS: The student interprets the model to the practice of acquiring news, preparing training syllabus in the Polish language.Competences:
PERSONAL AND SOCIAL COMPETENCES: At the end of the course the student appreciates the importance a permanent service training; animates the work in the local community; organizes the processes of verbal communication and nonverbal communication and supports ways to resolve conflicts in a group; respects the ethical aspects of business consulting; inspires ways to motivate people to act in the public interest.Prerequisites:
Course content:
Boeing in agribusiness advisory, advisory needs, innovation, and personality in the counseling process, methods and forms of work counseling, motivation, interpersonal communication, leadership and conflict.Recommended literature:
1. Boland H.: (1995) Podstawy komunikowania w doradztwie. CDiEwR Poznań. 2. Dietl j., Gacparski W.: (1999) Etyka biznesu. PWN. Warszawa 3. Kargulowa A.: (2006) O teorii i praktyce poradnictwa. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Warszawa. 4. Nęcki Z.: (1992) Komunikowanie interpersonalne. Ossolineum. Wrocław 5. Nęcki Z.: (1995) Negocjacje w biznesie. Biblioteka menadżera. Wydawnictwo Profesjonalnej Szkoły Biznesu. Kraków. 6. Ryznar J.: (1997) Metody w szkoleniach doradztwa rolniczego. AR Wrocław. 7. Stach R., Górniak L. (1997) szkolenie liderów społeczności wiejskiej cz. I i II. CDiEwR Kraków. 8. Van den Ban A.W., Hawkins H.S.: (1997) Doradztwo rolnicze (przekład z j. ang. J. Kania, A. Michalik), Wyd. MSDR zs. w AR, Kraków. Assessment methods:
Knowledge: Written exam. Skills: The mandatory exercises completion. Personal and social competences: Discussion in a laboratory. Effects of an individual and a collective work. Comment: