ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2012/2013 summerName:
Dogs and cats nutritionMajor:
Veterinary MedicineStudy Type:
one cycleCourse type:
optionalStudy Semester:
6ECTS points:
2Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
15 / 15 / 0Lecturer:
Dr Agnieszka KurosadLanguage of instruction:
Polish / EnglishLearning outcomes:
-Students explain the nutritional requirements of dogs and cats
-Define the feeding methods
Practical skills:
-Perform the home-made diet for dogs and cats
-Choose the right diet supplement
Student cooperates with dogs or cats ownerPrerequisites:
Anatomy, physiology, biochemistry Course content:
Cats idiosyncrasies. Pet food, home-made diets. Supplements. Palatability of pet foods. Myths in dogs and cats feeding. Feeding of sporting and working dogs. Special brand of pet foods. Chocolate intoxication.Recommended literature:
1. Hand. M.S. et al.: Small Animal Nutrition, 4th ed. Mark Morris Institute. Topeka. Kansas. 2000
2. Pibot P. et al.: Encyclopedia of Canine Clinical Nutrition. Aniwa SAS, Royal Canin. Paris. France. 2006
3. Pibot P. et al.: Encyclopedia of Feline Clinical Nutriton. Aniwa SAS, Royal Canin. Paris. France. 2008
4. Case L. et al.: Canine and Feline Nutrition. Mosby Elsevier. USA. 2011
5. Nutritional Research Council of the National Academies: Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats. The National Academic Press. Washington D.C. 2006
6. Hoskins J.: Pediatria weterynaryjna. Elsevier Urban & Partner. Wrocław. 2007
7. Lecoindre P.: Canine and Feline Gastroenterology. Nestle Purina. Wolters Kluwer. France. 2010
Assessment methods:
Final testComment:
This subjest is held for group of 18 students