ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BŻS10017o11
Semester: 2011/2012 summer
Major: Food Safety
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Danuta Parylak;
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: learning outcomes: During the course student is acquainted with idea of sustainable development in agriculture. He possesses basic knowledge on the influence of agriculture on the environment and on quality of yields with particular focus on food safety. He knows environmental factors and their effect on crops, he is able to show methods of regulation of environmental factors in order to increase quality of crop yields. During the course student is acquainted with demands of crops, and also with soil tillage, sowing methods, plant cultivation and with methods of harvest. He is able to identify seeding material of crops and assess its quality. He possesses basic knowledge on fertilizers and their application, and knows their influence on quality of plant products. Student receives knowledge on regulations in organic agriculture, and is able to show positive and negative aspects of the agricultural system. Student is acquainted with main species of crops, their pests, diseases, accompanying weeds together with weed biology and harmfulness. He knows rules of weed control in main crops. He possesses knowledge on detrimental effect of pests, diseases and weeds on plant and animal products. He knows possibilities of reduction of use of pesticides. He is able to design crop production in various types of crop rotations. He knows rules of Code of Good Agricultural Practice.

Competences: competences: Passing the course allows to proper recognizing of crops, their pests, diseases and accompanying weeds in different stages of growth. Student receives skills to appropriate assessment of value of plant products grown for animal feed and as a material for food. He is able to make decision on methods of plant protection and is able to assess their influence on the environment and quality of foodstuff. Passing the course allows student to choose appropriate soil tillage technology according to properties of soil and to design crop rotation suitable for production of healthy food.

Prerequisites: biology

Course content: Course contents: Factors of griculture production, the idea of sustainable development in agriculture, impact of agriculture on the environment and on the field crop quality, crop environment, soil tillage, simplification of soil tillage, function of stubble crop, soil degradation, sowing of crops, tending plants, harvesting of crops and their storage, plant fertilization, the role of weeds in different agroecosystems, weed control, plant protection against diseases and insects, the possibilities of pesticide reduction, integrated crop production – principles, environmental impact, legislation; organic farming, the basis of crop rotation, permanent pastures in the farm, Code of Good Agricultural Practice

Recommended literature: Recommended literature: 1. Atlasy chwastów 2. Dobra Praktyka w Ochronie Roślin, IOR Poznań, 2002 3. Kodeks Dobrej Praktyki Rolniczej. MRiRW, Min. Środ., Warszawa, 2004 4. Krężel R., Parylak D., Zimny L.: Zagadnienia uprawy roli i roślin. AR Wrocław 1999. 5. Przewodnik Dobrej Praktyki Ochrony Roślin. IOR, Poznań, 2007 6. Siebeneicher G. E. Podręcznik rolnictwa ekologicznego. Wyd. Nauk. PWN. 1997 7. Strategia Rozwoju Województwa Dolnośląskiego do 2020 roku. Wrocław, listopad 2005 8. Świętochowski B. i in.: Ogólna Uprawa Roli i Roślin. PWRiL, Warszawa 1996. 9. Wdrażanie nowych proekologicznych technologii w zakresie produkcji roślin uprawnych. Mat. Szkol. 84/02. IUNG, Puławy, 2002 10. Zalecenia Ochrony Roślin. Cz. I i II, IOR Poznań, 2010/11

Assessment methods: Assessment: passing classes, exam, minimum 60% of knowledge needed
