ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: ICSS10173f13
Semester: 2013/2014 winter
Name: Hazard analysis in the environment
Major: Safety Engineering
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 7
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 24 / 24 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Małgorzata Biniak-Pieróg
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: After completing the course the student knows the basic categories of hazards in the atmospheric, soil and water environment as well as their genesis. He understands their possible negative effects on the environment and their scale. He has the knowledge of the assessment methods of natural hazards in the environment. He has a general knowledge about the possibilities of reducing the potential negative impacts of natural hazards. Skills: The student is able to differentiate the major categories of hazards. He can assess the extent of natural hazards. According to the available information he can apply assessment methods of natural hazards occurrences in the environment. He is able to choose the appropriate measures to limit the negative effects of natural hazards. Competences: The student is aware of the risks of various hazards and is able to assess their effects on the environment. He is aware of the responsibility for the environment development.


Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, hazards monitoring and modeling

Course content: Methods for classification of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters. The formation of a natural disaster. Phases and the basis of natural disasters modeling. Disasters and hazards that may exist in the atmospheric environment. Disasters and hazards in the soil environment. Disasters and hazards that may exist in the water environment. Other risks having a mass character. Methods for assessing the risks in the atmospheric, soil and water environment. Legal regulations of possibilities to limit the effects of natural disasters.

Recommended literature: Bac S., Rojek M.: Meteorologia i klimatologia w inżynierii środowiska. Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu,1999.Wolanin J.: Zarys teorii bezpieczeństwa obywateli”. Warszawa, 2005. Grocki R.. Zarządzanie Kryzysowe – dobre praktyki. Difin, Warszawa 2012. Żylińska J., Sawczak S.: Prawo na czas zagrożeń – stany nadzwyczajne. 10 tom biblioteki zarządzania kryzysowego.

Assessment methods: completion of 5 projects, 2 tests, completion of lectures on the basis of the final test
