ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BBS10100f13
Semester: 2013/2014 winter
Name: Monitoring of environmental protection
Major: Biology
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr Magdalena Senze
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student: W1 - has knowledge of the impact of pollution on the environment [KB_W15]; W2 - knows the ways of monitoring the environment for surface water, groundwater, precipitation, soil, sediment, air, waste, noise, radiation, electromagnetic fields [KB_W17]; W3 - can adapt the method of analysis appropriate to the current component of the test environment [KB_W18]; W4 - knows the basic laws covering issues related to environmental monitoring [KB_W15]. Skills: Student: U1 - planned program of monitoring studies the basic elements of the natural environment, determines the place of research, determine the size and frequency of sampling [KB_U13]; U2 - independently assesses the degree of risk elements of the natural environment [KB_U06]; U3 - independently conducted field studies of the aquatic environment [KB_U13]; U4 - independently performs simple laboratory tests [KB_U01].

Competences: Social competences (attitudes): Student: K1 - planning research tasks in the field and adapt them to the possibilities and existing equipment [KB_K03]; K2 - has responsibility for the entrusted equipment [KB_K08]; K3 - understands the essence of the principles of safety in the field and laboratory workers [KB_K09]; K4 - actively promotes the protection of the natural environment [KB_K04].

Prerequisites: biology, chemistry

Course content: The course includes discussion of ways to monitoring the natural environment of surface water, groundwater, precipitation, soil, sediment, air, waste, noise and electromagnetic radiation.

Recommended literature: 1. Gomółka B., Gomółka E.: Ćwiczenia laboratoryjne z chemii wody. Oficyna Wyd. Politechniki Wrocławskiej. 1998. 2. Grochowicz E., Korytkowski J.: Ochrona powietrza. Wyd. Szkolne i Pedagogiczne. Warszawa. 1996. 3. Grochowicz E., Korytkowski J.: Ochrona przed odpadami. Wyd. Szkolne i Pedagogiczne. Warszawa. 1998. 4. Paluch J., Pulikowski K., Trybała M.: Ochrona wód i gleb. Wyd. AR we Wrocławiu. 2001. 5. Zieliński S.: Skażenia chemiczne w środowisku. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej. 2000.

Assessment methods: Assessment of tutorials: Written test to assess (the last class), giving a report of exercise, the current rating (based on oral statements) progress and activity. The presence of the exercises is compulsory, the student may have only one unauthorized absence. In the case of excused absences the student is required to pass the relevant part of the material. Exercises based on the average ratings. Assessment of lecturers: Students with a valid credit classes pass the written test part of the lec
