ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2013/2014 summerName:
Fruits, vegetable and cereal technologyMajor:
Commodity ScienceStudy Type:
first cycleCourse type:
optionalStudy Semester:
4ECTS points:
6Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
45 / 45 / 0Lecturer:
dr inż. Lesław SzymańskiLanguage of instruction:
PolishLearning outcomes:
After completing the course student knows the properties of main raw materials intended for producing fruit juices and beverages, vegetable juices, vines, compotes, convenience food, dried fruits and vegetables, silages from vegetables and concentrates from pulps and pomaces, flour, groats, pasta and bread Student knows the main technological process and quality requirements In respect of obtained products.Competences:
Student can estimate the quality and usefulness of raw materials to the food processing as well as work out formulas of juice products, appertized canned food, fermented products, fixed with sugar, dried and frozen. Student can calculate the requirement for raw materials and auxiliary materials.Student is able to assess the quality of grain and flour, to know technology of production of different cereal productsPrerequisites:
chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, basis of general technology.Course content:
Importance and characteristic of ways of developing the fruit-and vegetable industry. Processing and consumption of fruit vegetables in Poland. Technology of producing canned food from fruits and vegetables. Technology of producing juices and concentrates from fruits and vegetables juices. Technology of producing fruit vines. Concentrates from fruit pomaces. Souring technology. Fruit and vegetable freezing. Technology of drying fruit and vegetables. Production and utilization of cereal. Milling, baking and confectionary technology.Recommended literature:
1.Przetwórstwo owoców i warzyw, cz.1,2, Jarczyk A.., Berdowski J., B., WSiP 1997, 1999.
2.Wybrane zagadnienia z przetwórstwa owoców i warzyw, Zadernowski R., Oszmiański J., Wyd. ART. 1994.
3. Piekarstwo i ciastkarstwo, Red. Ambroziak Z., WNT 1988
4.Technologia przemysłowej produkcji makaronu. Obuchowski W. Wyd AR Poznań 1997Assessment methods:
Course unit grade and written exam, percentage to pass- minimum 60%. Comment: