ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2013/2014 summerName:
Veterinary dieteticsMajor:
Veterinary MedicineStudy Type:
one cycleCourse type:
compulsoryStudy Semester:
8ECTS points:
2Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
15 / 15 / 0Lecturer:
dr Agnieszka KurosadLanguage of instruction:
Polish / EnglishLearning outcomes:
-students know the rules of proper dogs and cats nutrition, differences between nutritional requirements for dogs and cats
-Students obtain the knowledge of the proper diet for queens and dams as well as for orphans, adult and old animals.
-They know how to feed ill animals. They know how to estimate the daily energy requirement for each animal and daily doses of given food and diet.
-Students describe the rules of preparing the recipe of home-made diet and use their theoretical knowledge in practical recommendation of a special diet.
-Student indentify the supplements and know how use them
Practical skills:
-students estimate pet food label, diet and pet foods.
-They can measure DER and daily doses of given food or diet.
-They know which diet they can use for queen, dams, orphans, adult or old animals or special diseases.
Student use diets as an additional therapy of specific diseases Prerequisites:
Biochemistry, Physiology, Animal Feeding, Fodder HygieneCourse content:
Basal range of dogs` and cats` nutrition (healthy dogs and cats; different physiological states and also under disease conditions) and introduction into horses feeding.
Evaluation of home-made diet recipes and commercial petfood labels.
Recommended literature:
Hand M.S., Thatcher C. D., Remillard R. L., Roudebush P. 2000. Small Animal Clinical Nutrition. Wyd. Mark Morris Institute USA; Pibot P., Biourge V. i wsp. 2006. Encyclopaedia of Canine Clinical Nutrition. Aniwa SAS; Edney A. T. B. 1992. Żywienie psów i kotów. Centrum żywienia zwierząt domowych Waltham, wyd. AR Wrocław; Jamroz D. 2001. Żywienie zwierząt i paszoznawstwo. PWN. Warszawa; Lewis L. D. 1995. Equine Clinical Nutrition Feeding and Care. Wiliams & Wilkins. UK; Lewandowski L., Lewicka M., Janowicz P. 1997. Zarys dietetyki weterynaryjnej. Wyd. AR Wrocław.Assessment methods:
Passing grades of laboratory course (min. 60% points from tests)Comment:
This subject can be taught also in English.