ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: VVSS00335f12
Semester: 2012/2013 summer
Name: Poultry meat and egg hygiene and technology
Major: Veterinary Medicine
Study Type: one cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 10
ECTS points: 1
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 6 / 9 / 5
Lecturer: dr Katarzyna Kosek-Paszkowska, dr hab. Adam Malicki-prof.UP
Language of instruction: Polish / English

Learning outcomes: After completing the course a student is able to: Knowledge: a) analyzes the hazards occurring during slaughter and processing of various species of poultry b) describes the technological processes used during the slaughter and processing of poultry, the parameters of these processes and their impact on the microbiological quality of poultry meat and poultry meat products Practical skills: a) determines the critical points (CCPs) in the process of slaughter and processing of poultry b) evaluates the microbiological quality and freshness of eggs and egg products c) interprets results of microbiological examinations of eggs, egg products, poultry meat and poultry meat products

Competences: a)works in small groups

Prerequisites: animal anatomy, biochemistry, animal physiology, microbiology, food law, food technology, meat hygiene

Course content: Chicken and turkeys slaughtering technology, technology of slaughter of ducks, geese and ostriches, poultry meat cutting, the HACCP system in the slaughtering, cutting and processing of poultry meat, hazard analysis and determination of critical control points during the slaughtering process of poultry, slaughter by-products management and waste, processing of poultry meat , microbiological examination and sensory analysis of processed poultry meat, egg production rules, the nutritional value of eggs, storage and preservation of eggs and egg products microbiology.

Recommended literature: 1. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Poultry meat hygiene and inspection\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", Bremner A.S., Bailliere Tndall, London, 1977. 2.“Poultry meat processing and quality” G.C Mead, C.H.I.P.S, USA, 3. “Eggs and Egg products quality” European Symposium, Poznan, 1997.

Assessment methods: Oral exam- minimum knowledge to pass: 70%.

Comment: This subject can be tought for a group of 18 students.