ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2013/2014 summerName:
BiologyStudy Type:
second cycleCourse type:
compulsoryStudy Semester:
2ECTS points:
3Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
0 / 30 / 0Lecturer:
dr Dariusz NowakowskiLanguage of instruction:
PolishLearning outcomes:
W1 - knows research methodology applicable to anthropometry [KB2_W01];
W2 - describes and explains the anthropological research in mathematical terms [KB2_W02];
W3 - explains the relationship between structure and function of the body and skeleton of human [KB2_W01_BC].
U1 - anthropometric apparatus uses a professional [KB2_U02];
U02 - based on data analysis formulates and interprets the results of research tasks [KB2_U04, KB2_U01_BC, KB2_U03_BC, KB2_U04_BC].
Social competence (attitudes):
K1 - is aware of the effects of group work [KB2_K02];
K2 - plans research tasks and determines their priority [KB2_K03, KB2_K05];
K3 - likes to use the latest technology in anthropometry [KB2_K09].
Human anatomyCourse content:
Anthropological research methods and techniques of measurement of the body and the human skeleton. Skill study human diversity and measurable features of the variability in individual development. Methods of assessing gender and age of bone material, the assessment of body composition, physical fitness, and basic characteristics of human body composition.Recommended literature:
1. Bochenek A., Reichel M. 2004. Anatomia człowieka, PZWL Warszawa
2. Gołąb B., Traczyk W. 1997. Anatomia i fizjologia człowieka. Wyd. Ośrodek Doradztwa i Szkolenia, Jaktorów.
3. Malinowski A., Bożiłow W., 1997. Podstawy antropometrii, metody, techniki, normy. PWN Warszawa
4. Michajlik A., Ramotowski W. 1994. Anatomia i fizjologia człowieka. PZWL, Warszawa.
5. Sobotta V. 1994. Atlas anatomii człowieka. Wyd. Urban i Partner, Wrocław.Assessment methods:
4 written tests to assess the current rating (based on oral statements) progress and activity. Implementation of three projects in the thematic writing. The presence of the exercises is compulsory, the student may have only one unauthorized absence. In the case of excused absences the student is required to pass the relevant part of the material.Comment:
specialization: Human Biology