ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IGS10400o13
Semester: 2013/2014 summer
Name: Geodesy and geodetic astronomy
Major: Geodesy and Cartography
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. inż. Stefan Cacoń
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Students should acquire theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to solve the basic tasks of geodetic positioning on the physical surface of the Earth. In particular, knowledge of the geometry of the sphere and ellipsoid, geodetic astronomy and physical geodesy. Students should be able to plan, measure high-order horizontal networksrelated to the earth ellipsoid as well aslevelling networks referred to the geoid (quasigeoid).

Competences: Completion of the course provides ability for continuing education in the field of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and the skills of measurements of high-order geodetic networks and their development.

Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, geodesy,adjustment theory

Course content: Basic formulas of spherical trigonometry , spherical triangle , spherical excess. Solving geodesic triangles (spherical) using Legendre, additaments and spherical trigonometry methods. Coordinate systems on the ellipsoid. The geometric parameters of ellipsoids. Normal cross-sections of the ellipsoid. Calculation of the meridianand parallel arc length. Calculation of any cross-sections of the ellipsoid. Determination of ellipsoid parameters (classical method). Geodetic line. The geodesic line equation and location on the ellipsoid. The calculation of the coordinates and azimuth using geodesic -direct and reverse tasks. The Clarke’smethod. Transfer of coordinates and azimuth using power series. The celestial coordinate systems: equatorial and horizontal. Equatorial triangle. Daily movement of the celestial sphere. Measurement of time. Changing the time. Refraction, aberration, precession, nutation and parallax. Fundamentals of geodetic astronomy. Methods for determination of the latitude,longitude and azimuth using astronomical observations. Measure of the azimuth using Polaris observation. Determine the position of a point on the Earth's surface by geodetic conventional methods.

Recommended literature: Wolfgang Torge, Geodesy. Walter de Gruyter (all editions). Barlik M., „Wstęp do teorii figury Ziemi”. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 1995. Czarnecki K., „Geodezja współczesna w zarysie”. Wiedza i Życie, Warszawa 1996. „Geodezja wyższa i astronomia geodezyjna — zadania i przykłady”. PWN, Warszawa–Wrocław 1988. Hlibowicki R. i inni, „Geodezja wyższa i astronomia geodezyjna”, PWN, Warszawa–Wrocław 1981. „Niwelacja precyzyjna”. Praca zbiorowa (1993): Wydawnictwo PPWK, Warszawa-Wrocław. Aktualne instrukcje i wytyczne techniczne GUGiK – seria G-1 i G-2. Kryński J., Nowe obowiązujące niebieskie i ziemskie systemy i układy odniesienia oraz ich wzajemne relacje, Wyd. IGiK, Warszawa 2004. Materiałysympozjówkrajowychizagranicznych (od 1985r.). Publikacje w geodezyjnych czasopismach periodycznych i nieperiodycznych (np. Zeszyty Naukowe) polskich i zagranicznych z okresu od 1985r.

Assessment methods: Mandatory pass of exercises after a semester. Mandatory pass of an exam from lectures after second semester of the course, a minimum of knowledge to pass: 60%
