ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RSSS10030o14
Semester: 2014/2015 winter
Name: Zoology
Major: Environmental Protection
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr Andrzej J. Woźnica, prof. Leonid Rekovets
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: The main purpose of the course is to explain morphology and anatomy of selected groups of animals, their biodiversity and interactions between different animal species and between them and natural environment. This knowledge will enable students to understand, why some animals can live in almost all kinds of environments, while other species need special protection. Skills: The student can use a microscope; can interpret preparations. Student learns skills of identification of the main animal groups and evaluation of their importance in nature and human economy on different levels of their development. Student can present methods of reducing their number, select the appropriate method of combating and prevention.

Competences: Competences: The student is aware of the need for lifelong continuing education. Understands the need to care for research equipment and to work in teams.

Prerequisites: -

Course content: Structure and variability of invertebrates and vertebrates, biology, ways of reproduction, the role in various ecosystems, hypotheses on invertebrates and vertebrates origin and evolution, systematic, research methods used in zoology.

Recommended literature: 1. Dobrowolski K. & Klimaszewski S.M. 1981. Zoologia. WSiP, Warszawa. 2. Hempel-Zawitkowska, J. 2004. Zoologia dla uczelni rolniczych. PWN Warszawa. 3. Jasiński, A. 1973: Zootomia kręgowców. PWN, Warszawa. 4. Jura, Cz. 1996. Bezkręgowce. Podstawy morfologii funkcjonalnej, systematyki i filogenezy. PWN Warszawa. 5. Tomiałojć, L. & Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski. Rozmieszczenie, liczebność i zmiany. PTPP, pro Natura. Wrocław.

Assessment methods: Knowledge: partial tests during semester, final test after semester 1, minimum 60% of knowledge to pass. Skills: Assessment analysis and interpretation of the collected data, assessment of individual tasks during exercises. Social comptetences: Validation of the correct selection of information and their interpretation with regard to the environmental protection.
