ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2014/2015 winterName:
Shaping of Landscape of the Rural AreasMajor:
Landscape ArchitectureStudy Type:
second cycleCourse type:
compulsoryStudy Semester:
2ECTS points:
5Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
30 / 30 / 0Lecturer:
dr inż. arch. Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak, dr inż. Anna Podolska, dr inż. arch. Anna Bocheńska-Skałecka, mgr. inż. Liliana SerafinLanguage of instruction:
PolishCourse in Polish with possibility of individual support in English. Contact person: dr inż. arch. Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak Learning outcomes:
The student after completion of the course:
- knows the rules of the rural landscape shaping in accordance with the cultural heritage, and architectural design of public space in a village;
- he knows how to determine the value of the individual components of the rural landscape and assess their value for the environment;
- he knows what methods are to use in the urban, dendrological and architectural, inventories, and to develop the concept of the land development;
- he practically applies the acquired skills.Competences:
Preceding subjects:
The scope and contents of the material has been agreed with subject conductors: spatial planning.
Course content:
Development of the agricultural culture in the world and in Poland.
Development of agricultural settlements on Polish soils.
Components of the rural landscape.
The architecture of the traditional Polish village.
The contemporary transformations of the rural landscape.
The role of objects of non-agricultural function in shaping the contemporary rural landscape.
Landscape transformation of suburban zone - suburbia.
Recreation in the rural areas.
Shaping principles of landscape of the rural areas.
Programs to support the preservation of the traditional rural landscape (renewal of the villages, program Leader +, etc.)
Surface waters, as part of shaping the rural landscape.
Principles of woodlots shaping.
Legal conditionalities related to the ruralistics designRecommended literature:
Borcz Z., 1999, Krajobraz nizinnych wsi dolnośląskich, Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu.
Borcz Z., 2001, Architektura wsi, Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu.
Bőhm A., 2004, Wnętrze w kompozycji krajobrazu, Politechnika Krakowska.
Burszta J., 1958, Od osady słowiańskiej do wsi współczesnej, Wydawnictwo Ossolineum, Wrocław.
Cymerman R., Falkowski J., Hopper A., 1992, Krajobrazy wiejskie, Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej w Olsztynie.
Górnisiewicz B., 1999, Uwagi na temat zasad kształtowania architektury wiejskiej, Politechnika Krakowska.
Grabski W., 2004, Historia wsi w Polsce, Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa.
Łaguna W., 2005, Rewitalizacja krajobrazów wiejskich Warmii i Mazur, Lidzbark Warmiński.
Novák Z., 1997, Planowanie regionalne i udział w nim architekta, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków.
Trocka-Leszczyńska, 1995, Wiejska zabudowa mieszkaniowa w regionie sudeckim, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
Wiśniewska M., 1999, Osadnictwo wiejskie, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa.
Zaniewska H., Pawłat-Zawrzykraj A., Gloza-Musiał H., 2000, Zagospodarowanie przestrzenne i zabudowa wsi, Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa.Assessment methods:
credit classes, examinationComment: