ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2014/2015 summerName:
Technologies in Animal ProductionMajor:
Veterinary MedicineStudy Type:
one cycleCourse type:
compulsoryStudy Semester:
6ECTS points:
2Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
15 / 15 / 0Lecturer:
dr hab. Anna RząsaLanguage of instruction:
Polish / EnglishLearning outcomes:
Student after the course understands the specification of the large scale animal production organization, he is ready to prepare turnover of cattle/swine herd. He knows the principal rules of creating the technological groups of different species, he can choose and suggest the production cycle for the particular farm taking into account the animal size and existing buildings.Competences:
The knowledge of large scale animal production specification let to find out and recognize some disturbances influence on decreasing the production results and animals’ health status. After the course the student is able to cooperate with owner/breeder in improving of farm environment microbizm and usages production technologies. Prerequisites:
Animal breeding, etology, animal nutrition, animal hygieneCourse content:
Presentation of the specification in a large scale animal production. General principles in specialized animal farms. Ways and means of efficiency estimation of used technologies, presentation of new modernization worries out in existing farms. Organization of animal production at farm. Turnover of cattle/swine, planning of herd scale and structure. Recommended literature:
Grodzki H.: Hodowla i użytkowanie zwierząt gospodarskich, SGGW
Grudniewska B.: Hodowla i użytkowanie świń
Jarka S.: Projekt gospodarczego urządzenia gospodarstwa rolniczego. SGGW 2004
Kołacz R., Dobrzański Z.: Higiena i dobrostan zwierząt gospodarskich, AR Wrocław 2006
Litwińczuk Z., Szulc T.: Hodowla i użytkowanie bydła. PWRiL 2005
Czasopisma: Hoduj z głową (bydło, świnie), Trzoda Chlewna, Hodowca bydła, Hodowca Trzody chlewnej, Drobiarstwo Polskie, Top Agrar
Assessment methods:
Presence and taking part in classes, positive estimation of papers and projects (60 % required points for very good estimation) Comment: