ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RESS10075o14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Economics of food economy
Major: Economics
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Danuta Gonet
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: KNOWLEDGE: The student knows relations in food economy between its links. He or she knows ways of obtaining and presenting statistical data. SKILLS: The student can analyse economical phenomena. He or she can draw conclusions from the conducted analyses. The student utilizes and makes use of statistical sources concerning the problems of food economy.

Competences: SOCIAL COMPETENCES: The student appreciates the importance of permanent, independent broadening his/her knowledge in the field of food economy. The students takes up the challenge of active and creative individual or team work.

Prerequisites: Selected issues from micro- and macroeconomics.

Course content: Food requirements as compared to material consumption. Definition of food products and their types. Food security and the state’s role in its realization. Digressions on the concept of food economy and agrobusiness. Institutional environment of food economy. Sections and branches of national economy involved in food production. Characteristics of successive components of food economy. Supply of agricultural farms and agricultural products processing industry in means and services necessary for production. Unique features of agricultural production. Intensity of agriculture. Production factors – land, labour, capital. The function of production in agriculture and the principle of rational economy. The phenomenon of substitution in agriculture. Production techniques in agriculture. Production and outlays – definitions and methods of calculation. Characteristics of processing and turnover of products made from agricultural raw materials. Raw materials utilized in food processing industry and the concept of raw-material base. Integrational connections in food industry and their influence on agriculture.

Recommended literature: 1. Kapusta F. – Teoria agrobiznesu. Coursebook of Academy of Economics, Wrocław 2008. 2. Kapusta F. – Agrobiznes. Wyd. Difin, Warszawa 2008. 3. Woś A. – Agrobiznes, t. 1 i 2, Warszawa 1996. 4. Fereniec J. – Ekonomika i organizacja rolnictwa, Key Text, Warszawa 1999. 5. Encyclopedia of business. Warszawa 1995. 6. Encyclopedia of agrobusiness. Warszawa 1999. 7. Occasional publications presenting changes in agriculture. 8. Publications of the Institute of Economics of Agriculture and Food Industry (IERiGŻ): Reports, studies and others. 9. Magazines: The Issues of Agricultural Economics, Year-books of Agricultural Science - Series G, Village and Agriculture.

Assessment methods: Evaluation of learning outcomes concerning knowledge: The course unit is completed by means of a test. Evaluation of learning outcomes concerning skills: - home assignment: a ppt presentation as well as a report prepared for the class (individual or group work). Evaluation of learning outcomes concerning social competences: evaluation of the ppt presentation and report including: factual content, choice of sources, method of presentation, arguments used and evaluation of the participants
