ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BŻS10080f14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Animal health and safety on aninal products.
Major: Food Safety
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: Dr hab. Robert Kupczyński, prof. nadzw.
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: W01 - Describes the causes of diseases - inside and extrinsic of physical, chemical and biological factors [BZ1 - W01, BZ1 - W02]; W02 - Has a general knowledge of epidemiology, treatment and prophylaxis of infectious and non-infectious diseases [BZ1 - W01, BZ1 - W10, BZ1 - W21]; W03 - Understand the risk of incidence and pathogenesis of zoonotic diseases [BZ1 - W01, BZ1 - W02]; W04 - Understands the importance of maintaining and feeding the animals on the occurrence of metabolic and production diseases in cattle and broilers having an impact on animal origin products [BZ1 - W05, BZ1 - W006,]; W05 - Has knowledge about the impact of welfare on meat quality and other animal products [BZ1 - W06, BZ1 - W07]; Skills: U01 - Applies prevention activities from veterinary field (disinfection, disinfestation, rodent control) [BZ1 - U14]; U02 - Applies rapid diagnostic tests.Assess the microbiological load in food processing [BZ1 - U07]; U03 - Is able to assess the risk of biological hazards in plants processing animal products [BZ1 - U04, BZ1 - U05, BZ1 - U06]; U04 - Is able to assess the animals health status in respect of food safety. [BZ1 - U7, BZ1 - U14]; U05 - Can use SPIWET checklists [BZ1 - U01];

Competences: K01 - Demonstrates the need for improvement of professional qualifications and the need for lifelong learning [BZ - K01, BZ - K02]; K02 - Has social awareness of the importance of professional and ethical responsibility for the formulation and the environment, animal welfare and the production of safe food of high quality. [BZ - K07]; K03 - Able to take responsibility for the safety and protection of farmed animals and the environment [BZ - K04, BZ - K09]; K04 - Able to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner, taking into account aspects of animal health [BZ_K09, BZ - K13];

Prerequisites: Animal welfere, Animal nutrition, Human and animal physiology

Course content: The subject matter relates to the fundamental issues of veterinary prevention. During the course will be presented issues such as the causes of animal diseases - inside and exogenous physical, chemical and biological factors, the basis of epidemiology and infectious, non-infectious and zoonotic diseases; impact on the welfare of the animals, animal health and food safety, biological threats on human health in food processing plants, animal products.

Recommended literature: 1. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Gliński Z., Kostro K.: Choroby zakaźne zwierząt z zarysem epidemiologii weterynaryjnej i zoonoz. PWRiL 2003. 2. Gliński Z., Buczek J.: Kompendium chorób odzwierzęcych. Wyd. AR w Lublinie 1999. 3. Winiarczyk S., Grądzki Z.: Choroby zakaźne zwierząt domowych z elementami zoonoz. Wyd. PIW w Puławach, 2000. 4. Saba L., Nowakowicz-Dębek B., Bis-Wencel H.: Ochrona zdrowia zwierząt. Wyd. AR w Lublinie, 2000. 5. Opinie EFSA nt. zdrowia zwierząt, bezpieczeństwa żywności i dobrostanu lata 2004-2013.

Assessment methods:
