ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: MRS10082f14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Biodiversity of fungi and invertebrates on protected areas
Major: Plant Medicine
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. Elżbieta Pląskowska, prof. UPWr, dr Wojciech Pusz, dr hab. Jacek Twardowski, dr Jacek Jackowski
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Student has knowledge of the biodiversity of the natural environment, its formation and protection against abiotic and biotic factors. He knows and describes fungi and insects typical on areas protected by law. Describes the importance of natural habitats as a reservoir of species that maintain the balance within environment needed to plant health. He knows the ways of assessing the biodiversity of protected areas. Student understands phenomena occurring in the environment under the influence of microorganisms and invertebrates. He knows the role of insects and fungi in different types of natural ecosystems. Describes the trophic relationships (plant-insect-fungus). Student is able to obtain information on the fungi and invertebrates found in different habitats of natural areas protected by law from the literature and databases, know how to interpret them and write conclusions. Recognizes and classifies the basic taxa and communities of organisms present in areas protected by law. In the basic range of uses laboratory techniques used in medicine plants. Keeps the principle of safety in the laboratory. Student uses multimedia techniques, prepare and present presentations on fungi and insects found in various habitats of protected natural areas and how to protect

Competences: Understands the need for learning and lifelong training on issues relating to the protection of plants and the environment, particularly in the areas of protected. Able to work independently and in a team, taking on various roles. Is aware of the responsibility for the tasks performed in a group. Student is taking into consideration the law on the protection of nature and the applicable regulations regarding professional activities

Prerequisites: botany, plant physiology, zoology

Course content: The legal system, forms of protection and activities in the field of nature conservation in Poland. The role of fungi and invertebrate animals in different types of ecosystems in the areas protected by law. The importance of fungi and invertebrates, particularly arthropods in nature. Invertebrates and fungi present in natural habitats, protected by law. Protected and endangered species. Methods for evaluating the health status of plants in areas protected by law. Methods for the isolation and identification of fungi and identification of arthropods. Poisonous mushrooms, edible and medicinal.

Recommended literature: Agrios G.N., 2005. Plant pathology. Elsevier Academic Press. Batko A., 1975. Zarys hydromikologii. PWN, Warszawa. Boczek J., 2001. Nauka o szkodnikach roślin. PWRiL Warszawa. Carrol G.C., Wicklow D.T., 1992.The fungal community, its organization and role in the ecosystem. M. Dekker, New York. Gumińska B., Wojewoda W., 1985: Grzyby i ich oznaczanie. Wyd. PWRiL, Warszawa. Jervis M. A., 2005. Insect as natural enemies. An Practical Perspective. Springer Kiraly Z., Klement Z., Solymosy F., Voros J., 1977. Fitopatologia – wybór metod badawczych. PWRiL, Warszawa. Krebs C.J., 1997. Ekologia. PWN Warszawa. Lisiewska M, Ławrynowicz M., 2000. Monitoring grzybów. Bogucki Wyd. Naukowe, Poznań. Mańka K., 1992: Fitopatologia leśna, Wyd. PWRiL, Warszawa. Műller E., Loeffler W. 1997. Zarys mikologii. Wyd. PWRiL. Praca zbiorowa,1994, 1996, 1999, 2001. Diagnostyka szkodników roślin i ich wrogów naturalnych. Wyd. SGGW (cz. I-IV). Simon J. Yu.2008. The toxicology and biochemistry of Insecticides, CRC Press. Schowalter T.D. 2006. Insect Ecology, An ecosystem approach. Elsevier Wilkaniec 2009, Entomologia cz. 1 (Entomologia ogólna), PWRiL Poznań Wilkaniec 2010, Entomologia cz. 2 (Entomologia szczegółowa), PWRiL Poznań

Assessment methods: Knowledge: Presentations on the characteristic of the different ecosystems fungi and invertebrates, written exam from lectures Skills: Assessment of individual tasks during the exercise, the assessment of completed projects, the assessment of the oral presentation of the project. Social competence: Evaluation of the effects work in a team, assessment of the correctness of the selection arguments regarding the role of fungi and invertebrates in ecosystems.
