ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2015/2016 summerName:
Environmental Protection and EcotechnologiesMajor:
Commodity ScienceStudy Type:
first cycleCourse type:
compulsoryStudy Semester:
6ECTS points:
2Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
30 / 15 / 0Lecturer:
dr inż. Agnieszka Nawirska-OlszańskaLanguage of instruction:
PolishLearning outcomes:
After completing the course student will know the main sources of environment contamination and methods of its prevention. He will know the ways of safety assurance of produced food – indicates the processes and ecological technologies in the food industry.
Completing the course enables to find, elaborate and present the materials associated with environmental protection and its preservation. Student will propose the means of dealing with secondary materials and wastes of food industry and will prepare the materials to introduce the pure technologies into food industry.
Completing the course enables finding the work connected with environmental protection in food industry associated with designing and introduction the ecological technologies.Prerequisites:
Chemistry, microbiology, biochemistry, major technologies. Course content:
Main sources of environment contamination and its protection. Disturbance of ecological balance, rules of introduction pure technologies. Problems of enlargement the scale of technological processes with regard to designing the devices. Wastes and its recycling. Practical manners of using pure technologies in food industry and the basic rules of law.Recommended literature:
1. Ledwoń K., Ekologiczne podstawy kształtowania technosfery; PWN, W-w, 1998; 2. Nowosielski R., Czysta produkcja i zrównoważone technologie., Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice; 3. Kozłowski S.; Ekorozwój: wyzwanie XXI wieku; PWN, Warszawa 2000.; 4. Maciak F.; Ochrona i rekultywacja środowiska.; Warszawa, 1999; 5. Proekologiczne źródła energii odnawialnej; WNT, Warszawa, 2002; 6. Nowosielski.; Czysta produkcja i zrównoważone technologie, WNT, Warszawa. 7. Ligus M.: Efektywność inwestycji w odnawialnych źródłach energii. Wydawnictwo Ce De Wu, Wrocław. 2010; 8. Tytko R.: Odnawialne źródła energii.: Wydawnictwo Ce De Wu, Wrocław, 2009;Assessment methods:
subsumed laboratories, project, written or oral exam Comment: