ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: MRS10088o14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: The pests, diseases and weeds monitoring
Major: Plant Medicine
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: Dr inż. Ewa Moszczyńska, dr hab. Zdzisław Klukowski prof. UPW, prof. dr hab. Danuta Parylak
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: - Student knows and describe the most important group of pathogens, pests and weeds. He knows the rules of use: scales of disease infestation assessment of crops by pathogens and the threat of economic thresholds for pests and weeds. Familiar with computer programs on the pathogenesis and control of economically important pathogens, pests and weeds. Planning simple monitoring systems pests, diseases and weeds in agricultural and horticultural crops. Can identify economically important pests and weeds. Student can use different traps types to determine the harmful pests. Can utilise the knowledge of monitoring procedures to apply appropriate integrated pest management. Able to collect the materials necessary to perform the tasks of engineering.

Competences: Student is aware of the risks associated with the presence of crop pests. Understands the need for training and increase competence in scope crop production and plant protection.

Prerequisites: Botany, Principles of crop production, Plant diseases and pests.

Course content: Knowledge of economically important malicious organisms. The ability to optimize the control monitoring, used the proper diagnosis. Procedures for proper decision-making process on the fight against pests.

Recommended literature: 1. Kryczyński S., Weber Z., 2010. Fitopatologia, tom 1, Podstawy fitopatologii, PWRiL, Poznań. 2.Kryczyński S., Weber Z., 2010. Fitopatologia, tom 2, Choroby roślin uprawnych, PWRiL, Poznań. 3.Metodyka badania wartości gospodarczej odmian (WGO) roślin uprawnych, 1998. 1. Rośliny rolnicze, Wydanie I, Słupia Wielka. 4.Atlas chorób zbóż powodowanych przez grzyby. Rozpoznawanie-ocena-zwalczanie, Syngenta. 5. Perzanowska J. 2010. Opracowanie zbiorowe pod redakcją Monitoring gatunków roślin, przewodnik metodyczny część pierwsza, IOŚ, ss.260. 6. Entomologia cz. 1 (Entomologia ogólna) red. B. Wilkaniec, PWRiL Poznań 2009 7. Insect Pest Management, Dent D. CAB International, 2000. 8. Biological and Biotechnological Control of Insect Pests. , Rechcigl J.E., Rechcigl N.A., Lewis Publishers 2000. 9. Żródła w postaci oryginalnych artykułów naukowych.

Assessment methods: Knowledge: Tests on the lab, written exam. Skills: Evaluation of the test, the assessment of practical skills to recognize harmful pests and weeds. Personal and social competences: Objectivity student arguments at the discussion in a 5-point scale.
