ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BHN10370o15
Semester: 2015/2016 winter
Name: Fur Animals Breeding and Husbandry
Major: Animal Science
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 9 / 18 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab.Andrzej Filistowicz, dr inż. Marzena Janczak, mgr inż. Katarzyna Roman
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student - W1 - has a general theorethical knowledge of leather an fur coat characteristic W2 - has knowledge of coats that allows the location of the animal in the environment, explain partially animal behaviour W3 - is familliar with modern labolatory methods of analysis of coat's characteristics Skills: Student - U1 - identifies correctly animal species and their belonging to the genus U2 - is able to interact with other scientific disciplines

Competences: Student - K1 - updates regularly knowledge of the biology K2 - is aware of risks for animals resulting from civilization progress K3 - has ethical attitudes towards animals and understands the importance of welfare

Prerequisites: Anatomy and animal physiology

Course content: Features the coat of animal species with different life environment (water, land, mixed) and base for food (vegetable protein animal protein); typology of individual hairs and cover (single), biological rythms of production and exchange (shedding) of hair; assessment of histological features, physical (thickness of dermis, diameter and lenght of hair, tenslie strength), functional (resistance to environmental factors such as water, friction) and utility (felting) of different types of hair coverings.

Recommended literature: 1. Kuźniewicz J., Filistowicz A.: Chów i hodowla zwierząt futerkowych, Wydawnictwo AR we Wrocławiu, 2005. 2. Kuźniewicz J., Filistowicz A.: Chów i hodowla nutrii. Wydawnictwo AR we Wrocławiu, 2006. 3. Cholewa R.: Chów i hodowla zwierząt futerkowych. Wydawnictwo AR Poznań, 2000. 4. Jeżewska G., Maciejowski J.: Hodowla i produkcja zwierząt futerkowych. Wydawnictwo AR w Lublinie,1986. 5. Barabasz B.: Szynszyle. Hodowla i użytkowanie. PWRiL, Warszawa, 2001. 6. Bielański P., Niedźwiadek S., Zając J.: Chów królików. Wydawnictwo Fundacji „Rozwój SGGW”, Warszawa, 2002.

Assessment methods: Knowledge W1, W2 and W3 are verified during practicals, on the basis of two writen and rated tests (45 min.). On each of them, there are 4 questions (descriptive and problem) concerning topics discussed during lectures and practicals. Each answer is rated from 0 to 5 points. To pass the test, student must obtain at least 60% of points. Skill U2, plus competences K1 and K3 are evaluated on the basis of an independently desined technological project for selected species of fur animals. While, skills U1 and U3, plus competence K2 are evaluated during practicals in the training rabbitery and at fur animal farm. Completion of the course is based on completion of practicals and passing the final exam.The prerequisite is to obtain an average of 3.0 in all established learning outcomes. Knowledge will be verified on the written test that consists of 5 problem questions. Duration of test: 60 minutes. Students who have not passed the exam in the first time, proceed to the second exam in the same form.
