ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RSSS20090o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Development of small water retention
Major: Environmental Protection
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: Wykłady – prof.dr hab. Leszek Pływaczyk, dr inż. Beata Olszewska.
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: The student has knowledge about the possibilities of obtaining water easily accessible to the environment, knows types of small water retention and how it forms, knows methods of effectively improving the soil water balance, has the ability to implement small retention program, knows technical, agricultural and natural ways of small water retention forming, has knowledge about retention catchment management. The student has an extended and structured knowledge about the possibility of increasing the disposable water resources for the environment, he has the knowledge about the technical, agricultural and natural ways of small water retention forming. Skills: The student can solve the problems associated with implementation and formation of small water retention in the unit area (catchment, district, municipality, region), he can work in teams dealing with the landscape protection and development. The student is able to assess the condition of water resources in a unit area and to suggest the ways and systems of water retention, he knows the role of small water reservoirs in the development and protection of the environment, he is able to choose proper locations for environmental engineering.

Competences: Competences: The student understands the need for a comprehensive problem-solving for sustainable rural development and the problem of engineering structures’ impact on the environment. The student is aware of the need to improve professional skills, care about the environment for the rational management of water resources.

Prerequisites: Soil science

Course content: Water resources in Poland. Forms and types of small water retention. Methods for small water retention forming. Types of retention: reservoir, river valleys, slopes and mountainous areas. Soil retention. Small water reservoirs and the sources of their supply. Methods of retention forming by agrotechnical, agro- and phyto-melioration means. The importance of lakes, ponds, wetlands ponds and peat bogs in the formation of ground retention resource. Complex retention and its economic and environmental importance.

Recommended literature: 1. Informacje Naukowe i Techniczne SITWM Nr 1/99. Mat. Konf. Mała Retencja Wodna. NOT Warszawa, 1997. 2. Łabędzki L. Susze rolnicze. Zarys problematyki oraz metody monitorowania i klasyfikacji. Rozp. Nauk. i Monog. Nr 17. Wyd. IMUZ Falenty, 2006. 3. Mioduszewski W. Małe zbiorniki wodne. Wyd. IMUZ Falenty, 2006. 4. Mioduszewski W., Kaca E. Potrzeby i możliwości zwiększania małej retencji na obszarach wiejskich. Materiały Semin. Nr 37, Wyd. IMUZ Falenty. 5. Marcilonek S. Eksploatacja urządzeń melioracyjnych. Wyd. AR we Wrocławiu 1994. 6. Nyc. K. Sterowanie zasobami retencji gruntowej w dolinach rzek nizinnych. Zesz. Nauk. AR we Wrocławiu Nr 53, Rozprawy, Wrocław 1985. 7. Nyc K., Kamionka Sz., Pokładek R. Techniczne możliwości zwiększenia małej retencji wodnej. Zesz. Nauk. AR we Wrocławiu Nr 248, 1994. 8. Pokładek R. Kształtowanie małej retencji przez regulowanie odpływu. Przegląd Komunalny Nr 12, 2004.

Assessment methods: Knowledge – written exam, evaluation of oral performance. Skills – validation of the method and means to increase the retention on the basis of performed exercise. Competences – assessment of the correctness of the information selection and its correct interpretation.
