ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: ROSS20147f16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Recent trends in the production of ornamental trees and shrubs
Major: Horticulture
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: Dr Przemysław Bąbelewski
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student has a broader and deeper knowledge of modern production technologies of ornamental trees and shrubs. Is able to plan production technology of selected trees, shrubs, climbers and perennials based on aspects of environmental protection. Introduce withthe requirements of the market for high-quality nursery material, especially for avenue trees and shrubs used for planting in the streets. O1-W09, O1-W15, O1 – W17. Learning outcomes: Student is able to plan the production technology of selected groups of plants. Knows modern production systems of trees, shrubs and perennials with emphasis on environmental protection. Can choose modern machines for the production of ornamental trees and shrubs. O1-U03, O2-U06, O1 – U07, O1- U10.

Competences: Social competences: Has aware of the validity of education and self-improvement in terms of new production systems of trees, shrubs and ornamental perennials used in green areas and understands the need for learning throughout life in order to improve the skills acquired during studies. Is aware of the risk, is able to assess the effects of not properly selected production technology. O1-K01, O1-K03.

Prerequisites: Dendrology, ornamental plants, nursery

Course content: Getting to know the new technologies of trees, shrubs, climbers and perennials production that can be grown in Poland, both naturally occurring in the area of Poland and introduced. Skills: knowledge of modern systems and technology of production of trees, shrubs and ornamental perennials. Ability to select technology of selected species of plants with woody cuttings.

Recommended literature: Bärtels A. 1982. Rozmnażanie drzew i krzewów ozdobnych. Tłumaczenie z niem. B. Suszka, Terpiński S. 1984. Szkółkarstwo ozdobne. PWRiL, Warszawa Slaski J.,Sękowski B. 1998, Szkółkarstwo szczegółowe drzew i krzewów ozdobnych oraz użytkowych. PWRiL. Poznań Szydło W. 2006. Wybrane zagadnienia ze szkółkarstwa ozdobnego. Plantpress Warszawa

Assessment methods: The pass mark for tutorials is the knowledge of new production technologies of trees, shrubs and climbers. Production technology design of selected ornamental trees and shrubs.
