ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2016/2017 winterName:
Palaeontology of EvolutionMajor:
BiologyStudy Type:
second cycleCourse type:
compulsoryStudy Semester:
3ECTS points:
4Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
15 / 15 / 0Lecturer:
prof. dr hab. Leonid RekovetsLanguage of instruction:
Polish / EnglishLearning outcomes:
W1 – knows the scientific theories and hypothesis about appearance of life on the Earth. [KB2_W02 _BC];
W2 – knows the systematic and chronological position of the most important extinct forms of plant and animals. [KB2_W02 _BC];
W3 – describes their anatomical structure and function and explains the basis of adaptation. [KB2_W03 _BC].
U1 – on the base of morphology forms deskribes the systematic and filogenetyk position forms, Homo and Primates. [KB2_U02_BC];
U2 – shows taxonomical affiliation of extinct forms on the base of their morphology. [KB2_U02_BC];
U3 – interprets morphological adaptations in evolutionary context. [KB2_U02_BC].
Personal and social competences (attitudes and behaviors):
K1 – is aware of the meaning of paleobiodifferences and popularize it’s security very actively. [K_K04];
K2 – shows the understanding of the historical and evolutional fenomens in the nature. [KB2_K01].
geology, botany, zoologyCourse content:
The origin of life and organisms (speciation), advanced evolution; morphology, function and environment (adaptive origin); principals of the evolution of organisms; taphonomy and recording of geological time; principals of palaeo-ecology of organisms and biostratygraphy; principals of evolutionary biogeographyRecommended literature:
1. Raup D. Stenley S.: Podstawy paleontologii. Wyd.PAN, Warszawa,1984.
2. Bieda F.: Paleozoologia T.1,2. Wyd. Geol. Warszawa, 1966.
3. Dzik J.: Dzieje życia na Ziemi. Wyd. PAN, Warszawa, 2011.
4. Druszczyc W.: Paleontologia bespozwonocznych. Wyd MGU, Moskwa, 1974.
5. Wiszniewska-Żelichowska M.: Paleontologia. Wyd. Geol. Warszawa, 1962.
6. Keroł M.: Paleozoologia pozwonocznych. Wyd. Nauka, Moskwa, 1995.
7. Weiner J Zycie i ewolucja biosfery. Wyd. naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2012.
Assessment methods:
Two written tests and oral presentation prepared. Final grade will be an exam (test).Comment:
specialization: Human Biology