ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2016/2017 winterName:
Water protectionMajor:
Water Engineering and ManagmentStudy Type:
first cycleCourse type:
compulsoryStudy Semester:
5ECTS points:
4Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
15 / 30 / 0Lecturer:
prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof PulikowskiLanguage of instruction:
PolishLearning outcomes:
Knows the basic tasks for the protection of water and has a general knowledge of the types of waters can name and describe the main sources of water pollution, knows the most important parameters that characterize the quality of the water; understands the principles of making classification; know the basic methods of reducing water pollution, ways of determining the protection zones.
It can determine the ecological status, ecological potential and chemical status of a body of surface water, classify a body of groundwater, knows how to make a water balance for the lake, formulate general rules for the protection of water in the basin, it can designate water protection zones.Competences:
Demonstrates understanding of the importance of access to high-quality water for the development of civilization and has a sense of responsibility for the rational use of water resources;Prerequisites:
meteorology and hydrology, right.Course content:
Tasks and objectives of water protection in Poland under the WFD. Properties of biological, chemical and physical properties of water. The types and sources of water pollution. The role of water in nature. Methods presence of organic and inorganic substances in the water. River water, lake, underground and offshore. Classification of waters. Water protection zones. Technical basis of water conservation. Plan of the river basin management and water monitoringRecommended literature:
1. Paluch J., Pulikowski K., Trybała M. Ochrona wód i gleb. Wyd. AR we Wrocławiu, 2001. 2. Dojlido J. R. Chemia wód powierzchniowych, WEiŚ Białystok, 1995. 3. Świderska-Bróż M. Mikrozanieczyszczenia w środowisku wodnym. Wyd. Polit. Wroc., Wrocław, 1993. 4. Allan J.D. Ekologia wód płynących, PWN Warszawa 1998 r. 5. Chełmicki W. Woda, zasoby, degradacja, ochrona PWN Warszawa 2001 r.
Assessment methods:
completion of three projects, two colloquia, written exam.Comment:
Lecture 1: Tasks and objectives of water protection in Poland under the WFD.
Lecture 2: Properties of biological, chemical and physical properties of water.
Lecture 3: Types and sources of water pollution. Methods presence of organic and inorganic substances in the water.
Lecture 4: Water balances.
Lecture 5: Water river.
Lecture 6: Water lake.
Lecture 7: Marine waters. Estuaries.
Lecture 8: Groundwater.
Lecture 9: Change the water in your tank. The criteria for eutrophication.
Lecture 10: Classification of surface waters.
Lecture 11: Classification of groundwater.
Lecture 12: Protected Area water intakes.
Lecture 13: Technical basis of water conservation.
Lecture 14: Plan of the river basin management.
Lecture 15: Monitoring of water.
The type and extent of exercise: exercise design.
Exercise 1: Preparation of the water balance of the lake.
Exercise 2: Assessment of the ecological potential of ecological and chemical status of surface waters.
Exercise 3: Defining the protection zone of direct and indirect water intake.