ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IWS10237o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Flood risk and hazard
Major: Water Engineering and Managment
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Miroslaw Wiatkowski prof. nadzw.
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student has knowledge of the flood causes and flood protection measures. Knows the methods of flood forecasting, their accuracy and methods of flood risk assessment and flood risk management. Skills: Student has ability to assess flood risk. Can draw up flood hazard maps and flood risk maps. May participate in the management of flood risk.

Competences: Student is aware of the flood risk on natural catchment areas and urban areas. Is prepared to participate actively in the flood defence action – management of volunteering.

Prerequisites: hydrology, hydraulics, river training.

Course content: Genesis of freshets, classification and characteristics of floods. Impact of catchment land use and river valley on freshets and flood threat. Flood extent. Zones of flood threat, principles of flood zones determination. Activities used in flood protection – administrative, economic, technical. Protection against floods – active and passive. Flood risk management. Methods of preparation of flood hazard maps and flood risk maps. Critical infrastructure on threat areas, its role in areas vulnerable to flooding. Protection of critical infrastructure. Structure, organization and operation of the flood protection services. Crisis management centres, crisis management plans.

Recommended literature: 1. Regulacja rzek i potoków: J. Wołoszyn, W. Czamara, R. Eliasiewicz, J. Krężel; AWR 1994. 2. Zarządzanie kryzysowe. Dobre praktyki, DIFIN, 2012. 3. Ustawa o zarządzaniu kryzysowym Dz.U. nr 89, poz. 590, 2007. 4. Grocki R., Czamara W.: Metody ograniczania skutków powodzi. BKPBŚ 2001. 5. Water Law, Dz. U. 86 poz. 579. 6. Flood Directive EP 2007.

Assessment methods: credit of projects, 2 tests, written exam.

Comment: Course program: Lecture 1: Genesis of freshets, classification and characteristics of floods. Flood extent (local, regional, national). Lecture 2: Environmental values of rivers and their relationship with the state of river bed. Lecture 3: Impact of catchment land use and river valley on freshets and flood threat. Lecture 4: Zones of flood threat, principles of flood zones determination. Lecture 5 6: Directions and tendencies of flood protection in Poland. Examples of executed works. Country Protection System against Extreme Hazards (ISOK). Lecture 7: Methods of flood protection (administrative, economic, technical). Lecture 8: Protection against floods – active and passive, protection measures. Lecture 9: Engineering flood protection measures. Lecture 10: Determination of risk, , flood damages. Lecture 11: Flood risk management. Lecture 12: Principles of preparation of flood hazard maps and flood risk maps. Lecture 13: Critical infrastructure in river valleys. Lecture 14: Protection of critical infrastructure. Lecture 15: Structure, organization and operation of the flood protection services. Crisis management plans. Type and scope of the practical classes: individual projects. Project 1. Developing a crisis management plan for a specific area. Project 2. Developing a flood risk management plan for a specific area.