ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2016/2017 winterName:
Advanced Animal BreedingMajor:
Animal ScienceStudy Type:
first cycleCourse type:
compulsoryStudy Semester:
5ECTS points:
4Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
9 / 18 / 0Lecturer:
dr inż. Zofia KulisiewiczLanguage of instruction:
PolishLearning outcomes:
Knowledge: Student:
1) understands mathematical description of quantitative traits of animals bred by human
2) knows and understands definitions of coefficients describing effect of genes on quantitative traits, and knows how to estimate these coefficients
3) understands the meaning of breeding value, knows non-genetic effects influencing breeding value, knows methods of breeding value evaluation
4) understands associations between breeding goals and accuracy of estimating genetic parameters and breeding values
Skills: Student:
1) describes and analyzes quantitative traits using mathematical terminology
2) is able to estimate heritabiility coefficients and their accuracy
3) assesses sources of information about breeding value, and then uses them to evaluate breeding value taking into account non-genetic effects
4) can estimate genetic differential and genetic trend Competences:
1) understands consecutive steps of breeding program
2) can predict effects of breeding decisions
3) is aware of globalization in animal breeding
4) is aware of relation between effects of animal breeding and access to information Prerequisites:
mathematics, base of: statistics, genetics and animal husbandryCourse content:
Genetics of quantitative traits: the value and variability of quantitative traits, the inheritance of quantitative traits, genetic relationships of quantitative traits in populations of animals. Breeding methods: estimation of heritability coefficient, evaluation of breeding value; methods of selection, calculation of genetic and environmental trends in breeding animal populations. The use of PC software in calculations and evaluations.Recommended literature:
1. Kulisiewicz Z., Wierzbicki H., Zwolińska-Bartczak I., Żuk B.: Metody hodowlane. Przewodnik do ćwiczeń. Wyd. UP we Wrocławiu, 2009.
2. Żuk B., Wierzbicki H., Zatoń-Dobrowolska M., Kulisiewicz Z.: Genetyka populacji i metody hodowlane. PWRiL, Warszawa, 2011
3. Żuk B. Biometria stosowana. PWN, Warszawa, 1989.Assessment methods:
Completion of practical training (computer lab): Students are to answer 7 short tests, the final grade is calculated as arithmetic mean of 5 best tests assessments. To complete the required average is not lower than 2.80. The mean of at least 4.80 is awarded an exemption from the exam (student scores "very good")
Assessment methods. After lab completion - written exam: five questions, 90 minutes, answers pointed from 0 to 5, at least 12 points required to pass. Otherwise, the student can take one more exam (spoken or wriiten).Comment: