ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2016/2017 winterName:
Fundamentals of conducting a businessMajor:
HorticultureStudy Type:
first cycleCourse type:
optionalStudy Semester:
5ECTS points:
2Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
15 / 15 / 0Lecturer:
dr inż. Henryk ŁabędzkiLanguage of instruction:
PolishLearning outcomes:
Knows the basic mechanisms of competition intensity in the industry. O1-W07Has knowledge about the basics of conducting a business, particularly in the field of corporate accounting and its operating principles. O1-W07Knows the basic methods of long-term development planning of the company and the principles of introduction a new product on the market and evaluating the effectiveness of business ventures. O1-W07Skills-Correctly selects and uses the financial data to evaluate condition of the company. O1-U06Demonstrates skills to apply the methods of economic evaluation of the effectiveness and financial feasibility of projects. O1-U06Draws up plans of repayment of loans. O1-U09Correctly interprets the basic factors of competition in the industry. O1-U09Competences:
Appreciates the need for continuous improvement of knowledge and skills in the conducting of business. O1-K01
Able to justify the ways of solving the financial problems of the company and take a position in this regard. O1-K06, O1-K07
The basics of micro- and macroeconomicsCourse content:
Conditions of competition intensity in the industry. Basic accounting principles and interpretation of financial reports of the company. Selected methods of assessing the economic efficiency and financial feasibility of business ventures. Corporate strategy planning and the principles of introduction a new product on the market.Recommended literature:
1. Antoszkiewicz J.D., 1998, Rozwiązywanie problemów firmy. Praktyka zmian. Poltext, Warszawa
2. Waters D., 2002, Planowanie w firmie. Wyd. Helion, Gliwice
3. Pluta W., 1999, Planowanie finansowe w przedsiębiorstwie. PWE, Warszawa
4. Porter M., 1996, Strategia konkurencji. PWE, Warszawa
Rutkowski A., 2003, Zarządzanie finansami. PWE, Warszawa
Assessment methods:
Knowledge: Tests on practices
Skills: Assessment of the ability to elaborating plans of loans repayment and the cash flow statements and assessment of the financial reports and effectiveness of the projects.
Social competence: Assessment participate in the discussion, with particular emphasis on the correctness of the company problems diagnosis.