ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BHN10317f16
Semester: 2016/2017 summer
Name: Neonatology of Animals
Major: Animal Science
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 9 / 18 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. Robert Kupczyński, prof. nadzw.
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: W01- Students can describes the significance of neonatal period W02-Students defines the meaning of homeostasis and the development of neonatal important organs in pre-and postnatal W03-Students indicate the key elements of newborn care W04-Students defines mechanisms of the innate immunity and specific, role in the formation of immune colostrum in the newborn W05-Students knows the rules of neonatal care after cesarean section. Indicates a threats during rearing newborns without a mother W06-Students can explain threat neonatal period, non-communicable and infectious diseases Skills: U01- Students can assists in the parturition of livestock and the accompanying U02-Assesses thehealth status of newborns U03-Student applies the principles of care on the neonatal after delivery physiological and after caesarean section U04-Students uses methods of neonatal resuscitation U05-Students can estimate transfer of passive immunity of neonatal U06 - Uses the methods and principles of neonatal care without a mother

Competences: K01-Students shows the need for raising professional qualifications and the need learning for lifelong K02-Students willingly and easily work in a group, which can take a variety of functions K03-Students can be responsible for the safety and protection of animals in the neonatal period K04-Students workin with animals proceed ethically

Prerequisites: physiology of animal, animal hygiene

Course content: Meaning of neonatal period. The development of the most important organs in the prenatal period in livestock and accompanying. Influence of health of mother on the course of delivery. Physiological delivery and assessment methods of delivery. Hypoxia. Features of the development of the digestive system in preterm infants. Weak baby syndrome. Threats neonatal period, non-communicable diseases and infectious diseases. Evaluate the health of newborn animals. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies in newborns. Neonatal resuscitation. Perinatal help during delivery livestock and accompanying animals. Babysitting infant after physiological delivery and after caesarean section

Recommended literature: Skrzypczak W., Stefaniak T., Zabielski R. (red.): Fizjologia noworodka z elementami patofizjologii. PWRiL, Warszawa, 2011. Winiarczyk S., Grądzki Z.: Choroby zakaźne zwierząt domowych z elementami zoonoz. Wyd. PIW w Puławach, 2000. Stefaniak T. (red.): Noworodek a środowisko. Wyd. Elma 1998-2011. Hopkins J.D.: Pediatria weterynaryjna. Psy i koty od urodzenia do szyciu miesięcy. Wyd. Elsevier Urban&Partner Wrocław 2007.

Assessment methods:
