ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2016/2017 summerName:
Surface water protectionMajor:
Environmental ProtectionStudy Type:
second cycleCourse type:
compulsoryStudy Semester:
1ECTS points:
5Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
30 / 30 / 0Lecturer:
Dr inż. Bartosz Jawecki, dr inż. Tokarczyk-Dorociak, prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej DrabińskiLanguage of instruction:
PolishLearning outcomes:
He knows the basic tasks related to the protection of water; on general knowledge about the types of water; can name and describe the main sources of water pollution; knows the most important parameters characterizing the quality of water; understands the principles of drafting classification; knows the basic methods of reducing water pollution. He knows the legal system of protection and water management in Poland, as well as tools and status of implementation of the Water Framework Directive.
He can determine the pollutant loads carried by the river, and also evaluated the ability of self-purification of water. Able to characterize the states and flows of selected profiles of the river. He can determine the ecological status, ecological potential and chemical status of surface water body.
He get skills bioindicative contamination of surface water and is able to carry out hydromorphological valorization of the watercourse.
Social competence:
It shows understanding of the importance of access to high quality water for the development of civilization; It is aware of the responsibility for the rational use of water resources.
Hydrology, hydrobiology, mathematics and statistics, chemistry, meteorology and climatology, environmental protection law.Course content:
Classes include issues related to the typology of surface water, assessment of water resources and water quality. Also apply to anthropogenic hazards to the aquatic environment and to reduce the negative effects of human impact on the aquatic environment. They represent the system of legal protection and water management in Poland, as well as the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. Also include the monitoring of surface waters, including hydromorphological assessment of surface water.Recommended literature:
1.Szoszkiewicz K., Zbierska J., Jusik Sz., Zgoła T. 2010: Makrofitowa Metoda Oceny Rzek – Podręcznik metodyczny do oceny i klasyfikacji stanu ekologicznego wód płynących w oparciu o rośliny wodne. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań.
2.Szoszkiewicz K., Zgoła T., Jusik Sz., Hryc-Jusik B., Dawson F.H., Raven P. 2007: Hydromorfologiczna ocena wód płynących. Podręcznik do badań terenowych według metody River Habitat Survey. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań-Warrington.
3.Przyjazne naturze kształtowanie rzek i potoków. Praktyczny podręcznik. Polska Sieć Ekologiczna, Wrocław-Kraków, 2006 (Manual of River Restoration Techniques. The River Restoration Centre UK).
4.Żelazo J., Popek Z. 2002: Podstawy renaturyzacji rzek. Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa.
5.Chełmicki W., Woda. Zasoby, degradacja, ochrona. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Warszawa 2001
6.Dojlido J.R.: Chemia wód powierzchniowych. Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i Środowisko, Białystok 1995
7.Ilnicki P., Lewandowski P. 1997: Ekomorfologiczna waloryzacja dróg wodnych Wielkopolski, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań.
8.Kajak Z.: Hydrobiologia-limnologia. Ekosystemy wód śródlądowych. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1998r,
9.Mańczak H.: Techniczne podstawy ochrony wód przed zanieczyszczeniem. W.P.W., Wrocław 1972r
Assessment methods:
Knowledge: examination
Skills: Assessment of the correctness of executed projects, test of skills.
Social competence: Validation of the selection of information, respect for copyright and the correct interpretation with respect to environmental protection.