ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: ICSS00223o16
Semester: 2016/2017 summer
Name: Crisis Management
Major: Safety Engineering
Study Type: one cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Romuald Grocki
Language of instruction: Polish / English
The course in English will be available if a minimum of 6 students sign up for a group. If less than 6 students sign up for the group, the course will be available in Polish with the possibility of individual support in English.

Learning outcomes: Student knows systems of warnings against different natural threats; Student has a knowledge about way of collecting, identifying and selection of information about threats; Student knows bases of the safety management, structure of systems of the rescue in the Republic of Poland and the understands of the principle of managing a rescue operation. Student knows modern methods of solving engineering problems in the engineering of the safety; Student understands engineering character studies; Student knows meaning of notions concerning solving engineering problems from the scope of the safety, the principle of the preparation and describing the presentation; Student has a basic knowledge concerning new techniques and the technology. Student knows principles of the description of complex technical systems with trees of the unfitness and the matrix of the risk. Student has a detailed knowledge from the scope of the safe design; Student knows an influence on the body of harmful factors appearing in the process of the work. Student knows sense of the notion: “crisis" and "crisis situation"; Student has a general knowledge about critical threats (natural and technical disasters) and safeties. Skills Student is able correctly to analyse causes and the course of processes and social phenomena’s, to perform basic economic analyses for the typical business activity; Student is able to take predicted with right to act in crisis situations, threatening the life or the human health. Student is able to apply the right system of warnings and the way of internal and outside announcing in the situation of the appearance of the natural threat, to cooperate with media and to identify reasons for coming into existence of extraordinary phenomena. Student is able to assess the degree of threatening on the rung of the local self-government, to draw up chosen elements of the rescue plan, to suggest the way of keeping the rescue share in chosen extraordinary events.



Course content: Theoretical bases of the Crisis Management. The model of Good Practices and the System of Managing the Quality in the crisis management. The crisis and the crisis situation. Structures of the Crisis Management. Risk Management. Strategy of Action. Planning. Standard Operating Procedures. Cooperation. Social Awareness. Trainings. Legal Regulations.

Recommended literature: 1. Farazmand A., Handbook of Crisis and Emergency Management, Marcel Dekker, New York 2001 2. Grocki R. Crisis Management. Good Practices. Difin, Warszawa 2017 e-book 3. Grocki R., 2010, Quantification Notions in Crisis Management, ISDE, Szwecja. 4. Grocki R., 2014, Decision making process in extraordinary situation [in:] Decision in situation of endangerment, WSOWL, Wrocław, p. 9-22 5. Grocki R., Flood safety in the aspect of actions in emergency situations, RIOB, Wrocław 2005 6. Haddow D., Bullock A., Introduction to emergency management, Butterworth-Heinemann, London 2015 7. Smith K., Petley N., Environmental Hazards. Assessing risk and reducing disaster, Routlege, NY 2009 8. Wisner B., Gaillard J.C., Kelman I., The Routledge Handbook of Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction, Routlege, NY 2011

Assessment methods: Dissertation from the scope of contents communicated at a lecture. The design exercise and the test. Exercise situational - decision-making - the simulation of the extraordinary event and the test. The design exercise and the test.
