ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RESS10313o16
Semester: 2016/2017 summer
Name: Organization and business management
Major: Economics
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Jan Spiak
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: knowledge: Students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of business management. Able to independently analyze the business environment of the company and formulate management strategies. Analyzes business management functions include: planning and decision making, organizing, directing and motivating, and control and their fulfillment in the company. Assesses the economic effects of business activities and to formulate proposals for the current and long-term financial management. Meets management methods and procedures for negotiating and professional ethics. Manager skills: The student acquires the ability to use professional terminology management. Can formulate strategies for business management. Knows how to effectively manage enterprise resources. Able to solve problems regarding :, business planning, organizing and designing organizational structures, motivate employees and control the effects of the economic activities of the company. Able to negotiate and apply the principles of ethics manager.

Competences: Social competence: The student is aware of the importance of business management in the context of globalization, increased competition in the markets and the challenges faced by managers. Able to solve problems that arise in the management of the company as a result of discussions held in the band. Able to apply the principles of professional ethics and conduct negotiations manager.

Prerequisites: Introduction to Management

Course content: Legal and economic activity of enterprises, analysis of the external environment and internal business, management strategies, evaluation of resources and functions of a business, human resource management, and a rotating permanent resources, capital, then the function of planning, designing organizational structures, motivating employees, inspection results, keeping negotiations, the rules of professional ethics manager, business management systems.

Recommended literature: 1. Filipiak B., Panasiuk A.: Przedsiębiorstwo usługowe. Zarządzanie. Wyd. Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2008. 2. Godziszewski B., Haffer M., Stankiewicz M., J, Sudoł S.: Przedsiębiorstwo. Teoria i praktyka zarządzania. Wyd. PWE, Warszawa 2011. 3. Kardas J.S., Wójcik – Augustyniak M.: Zarządzanie w przedsiębiorstwie. Wyd. Difin, Warszawa 2008. 4. Lichtarski J. red.: Podstawy nauki o przedsiębiorstwie. Wyd. AE we Wrocławiu 2007. 5. Strużycki M. jako red. nauk.: Zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem wydanie II. Wyd. Difin, Warszawa 2004. 6. Sus A.: Zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem. Materiały do ćw. Wyd. UE we Wrocławiu 2010.

Assessment methods: Assessment of learning outcomes in terms of knowledge: credit based on 3 tests of educational content and written examination, Assessment of learning outcomes in terms of skills: problem-solving assessment decision (tasks) on the basis of a case study, and their presentation, Assessment of learning outcomes in terms of social competence: evaluation of individual activity in teams, participate in discussions in class.
