ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: NTSS20088o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Carbohydrate and Plant Fats Technology II
Major: Food Technology and Nutrition
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 7
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 60 / 0 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Anna Pęksa
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student can characterised potato properties and its chemical composition as describing the technological quality of raw material in the industry. Identifies and explains threats resulting from not suitable raw material quality, describes changes occurring during storage of potato. Characterises the raw material for oil production and its usefulness in manufacturing. Defines and describes the properties of half and final products indicated their quality. Distinguishes and mentions machines and apparatus and reproduces the processes on the technological lines working currently in the factories. Skills: Student knows the specificity of working in factories processing potatoes and producing snacks, also extruded, on the base of carbohydrate raw materials. Selects raw material, suitable for the direction of processing. Analyzes the quality of raw material for oil production and edible fats, half and final products in potato processing, estimates the threats and suggests proper technological solutions. On the base of the final products features defines its quality. Can predict the quality of final product on the base of raw material properties and the conditions during processing.

Competences: Social skills (Attitude): Student proves determination in the solicitude for high and suitable quality of utilized in food manufacturing raw materials, safe for human health and in orienteering on the correctness of technological parameters of food processing as well as the quality of final product. Acts up to ethic rules and looks to hygiene rules necessary during food production. Students is willing to work in the group, occurring active attitude and creativity in the approaching to taken up problems. Student is conscious of the responsibility over the equipment working with and during collectively realized tasks.

Prerequisites: General Food Technology, Carbohydrate Technology, Food Chemistry, Basics of Human Nutrition

Course content: The structure of potato utilization. Potato processing factories in Poland. Usefulness of potato varieties for processing at different branches of food industry. Raw materials for oil production. Technology of the production of dried, fried and conserved potatoes. Machines and apparatus mostly used in factories. Technology of snacks manufacturing on the base of potato, potato products and other carbohydrate raw materials. Extrusion technology, raw material, final products and their quality, operation of extruders. By-products in potato processing and their utilization.

Recommended literature: 1. Technologia przetwórstwa węglowodanów. Red. Pałasiński M., Wyd. PTTŻ-O/Małopolski, Kraków 2005, 2. Potato Science and Technology. Lisińska G., Leszczyński W. Appl. Science Publishers London, New York 1989, 3. Potato processing. Talburt F., Smith O., Van Nostrand Reinhold Publisher, New York 1987; 4. Snack Food Processing. Lusas E.W., Rooney L.W. CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington, D.C. 2001, 5. Towaroznawstwo żywności przetworzonej z elementami technologii. Świderski Franciszek (red.), Waszkiewicz-Robak Bożena (red),Wyd. SGGW Warszawa, 2010, newspapers: Potato Processing, Potato Storage, Rynek Ziemniaka.

Assessment methods: oral examination – on the base of open questions
