ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2016/2017 winterName:
Financial support for agriculture under the CAPMajor:
Plant MedicineStudy Type:
first cycleCourse type:
optionalStudy Semester:
7ECTS points:
3Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
15 / 15 / 0Lecturer:
Prof. dr hab. Barbara KutkowskaLanguage of instruction:
PolishLearning outcomes:
Causes and types of State intervention in agriculture. Instruments of agriculture support. Characteristics of Polish agriculture. Objectives and principles of CAP. Financing of CAP. The system of direct payments. The scale and forms of support for agriculture and rural areas after 2004. The funds directed to agriculture. Packages and agri-environmental variants and their financing.Causes and types of State intervention in agriculture. Instruments of agriculture support. Characteristics of Polish agriculture. Objectives and principles of CAP. The evolution of CAP. Financing the CAP. The system of direct payments and it’s reform. The scale and forms of support for agriculture and rural areas after 2004. The funds directed to agriculture. National and EU instruments. The changes taking place in modern agriculture as a result of the global sustainable development policy, the main principles of sustainable development in agriculture: protection of biodiversity in the landscape and ecosystem, packages and agri-environmental variants and their financing.Competences:
Student identifies the cause and the need for agricultural financing from public funds;
Knows the scale and forms of support for Polish agriculture from the EU budget and the national budget;
Recognizes the instruments of support for agriculture and rural development funded by the EU budget.
EconomicsCourse content:
Causes and types of State intervention in agriculture. Instruments of agriculture support. Characteristics of Polish agriculture. Objectives and principles of CAP. The evolution of CAP. Financing the CAP. The system of direct payments and it’s reform. The scale and forms of support for agriculture and rural areas after 2004. The funds directed to agriculture. National and EU instruments. The changes taking place in modern agriculture as a result of the global sustainable development policy, the main principles of sustainable development in agriculture: protection of biodiversity in the landscape and ecosystem, packages and agri-environmental variants and their financing.Recommended literature:
1. Mierzwa D.: Mikro- i makroekonomia. Kurs podstawowy. Wyd. Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego, Wrocław 2010.
2. Begg D., Fischer S., Dornbusch R.: Ekonomia t.2. PWE, Warszawa 1995
3. Rymarczyk J., Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze. PWE 2006
4. Polityka ekonomiczna pod red. Winiarski B., Wyd. AE im. O. Langego we Wrocławiu.
5. Polityka fiskalna: Fedorowicz Z., Wyd. WSB, 1998.
6. Wprowadzenie do ekonometrii, red. K. Kukuła, PWN, Warszawa 2009.
7. Kapusta F. – Agrobiznes. Wyd. Difin, Warszawa 2008.
Praca zbiorowa pod red. M. Przybyły. Organizacja i zarządzanie. Podstawy wiedzy meneżerskiej. Wyd. AE we Wrocławiu. 2001
Assessment methods:
Classes evaluation (50%) + lecture evaluation (50%)Comment: