ECTS Course Catalogue
Course details
Course code:
2017/2018 summerName:
Surgery and Anaesthesiology - 6th semesterMajor:
Veterinary MedicineStudy Type:
one cycleCourse type:
compulsoryStudy Semester:
6ECTS points:
3Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other):
15 / 30 / 0Lecturer:
dr hab. Zdzisław Kiełbowicz, prof. UPWrLanguage of instruction:
Polish / EnglishLearning outcomes:
-Students will gain basic knowledge in the field of emergency assistance to animals after traffic accident
-Learn the technique of surgical treatment of wounds and their treatment.
-Learn the basics of performing intravenous cannulation and intubation with tracheotubus
Practical skills:
-Students will be prepared to perform basic surgical procedures such as stitching and supplies wounds
-They can stop the bleeding
-Perform the removal of a small tumor
-Perform dressing fixing the broken limb
-Perform local and intravenous anesthesia for short surgical procedures
-At a basic level will perform a mechanical breath with breathing bag Ambu and fluid administration
-They can connect intravenous infusion set and a pulse oximeter to measure blood oxygenation and heart rate
Normal and topographic anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology Course content:
Theoretical and practical aspects of surgical procedures in companion and farm animals. Practical learning of the use of instruments and surgical equipment. Recommended literature:
Chirurgia małych zwierząt, M. Żakiewicz, PWRiL 1998, Techniki operacyjne u psów i kotów, H. Schebitz, W. Brass, Galaktyka 2004, Leczenie złamań u małych zwierząt, A. Coughlan, A.Miller, Galaktyka 2004, Current Techniques In Small Animal Surgery. M.J.Bojrab, Lippincott Wiliams and Wilkins 1998, Equine Medicine and Surgery, P. T. Colahan, I. G. Mayhew, A. M. Merritt, J. N. Moore, Amer. Veterinary Pub. 1991, Anestezjologia weterynaryjna, K. Ratajczak, PWRiL 1985, Niedrożności przewodu pokarmowego u koni, J. Fryc, PWRiL 2001Assessment methods:
Acquiring credits, practical and oral exam. Minimum required knowledge for passing: 90%Comment: