ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: AGS10050o16
Semester: 2016/2017 summer
Name: Statistics for engineers with element of econometrics
Major: (Agrobiznes)
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. Helena Jasiulewicz
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge Student knows the basic methods of mathematical research, including statistical ones, used to description of processes occuring in the nature and econometrics. Student has the basic knowledge from the information technology of database, raising and processing of informations. Student knows the principles of preparing the reports, engineering projects and presentations. Skills Students knows how to use the quantitative methods and computer tools to the analysis of evaluations of economical effectiveness of business activity in the agrobusiness. Student does under his/her tudor direction the simple research or projective tasks from the fields of agrobusiness. Student can interpret the results and can formulate the correct conclusions.

Competences: Student can work individually and in the group, assuming in the group the different parts. Student can manage of the team, taking a responsibility of the effects of the work.

Prerequisites: Mathematics and statistics for the first level of agrobusiness. Knowledge of general facts of economics.

Course content: Design and presentation od data in datasheets. Statistical measures. Distributions of features (normal distribution). Correlation. Variance analysis (ANOVA). Construction of econometric models. Estimation and verification of models. Forecasting and errors of forecastings. Time series. Trends and seasoning . Forecasting and simulations based on the time series.

Recommended literature: Starzyńska W. Statystyka praktyczna, PWN, Warszawa 2012. Ostasiewicz S., Rusnak Z., Siedlecka U. Statystyka. Elementy teorii i zadania. Wyd. UE, Wrocław 2011. Aczel A. D. Statystyka w zarządzaniu. PWN, Warszawa 2000. Mercik J. Szmigiel Cz. Ekonometria, Oficyna wyd. P.Wr., Wrocław 2007. Wprowadzenie do ekonometrii, red. K. Kukuła, PWN, Warszawa 2009. Zbiór zadań z ekonometrii. Red. J Dziechciarz, AE, Wrocław 2000. Prognozowanie gospodarcze. Metody i zastosowania, red. M. Cieślak, PWN, Warszawa 2004. K. Kolenda, M. Kolenda. Analiza i prognozowanie szeregów czasowych. Programy komputerowe. Placet, Warszawa 1999.

Assessment methods: grade obtained at classes (60%) + grade obtained at lectures (40%)
