ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: VVSS00012o12
Semester: 2012/2013 winter
Name: Avian diseases
Major: Veterinary Medicine
Study Type: one cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 9
ECTS points: 6
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 45 / 45 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Michał Mazurkiewicz
Language of instruction: Polish / English

Learning outcomes: During the course the students get theoretical and practical knowledge of hatching pathology, metabolic disorders at poultry, diseases of parasite, bacterial, fungal and viral origin and their diagnostics and control .

Competences: After passing the course students will be able to evaluate health conditions of poultry, treat poultry, make diagnostic investigations of poultry. Using various diagnostic tools the students are able to suggest for potential diagnose.

Prerequisites: Animal breeding and nutrition, microbiology, pathologic anatomy, pharmacology, veterinary toxicology

Course content: Breeding technology of various bird species, selected problems of bird anatomy and physiology; embryopathology; diseases related to the nutrients` deficiency, environmental conditions, metabolic disorders; diseases of parasite, bacterial, fungal and viral origin. Moreover, diseases of unknown etiology, the most frequent poisonings in birds, officially controlled diseases, veterinary diagnostics and immunoprophylaxis.

Recommended literature: Altman R.B., Clubb S.L., Dorrestein G., Quesenbery K.1997. Avian Medicine and Surgery. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, London, Toronto, Montreal, Sydney, Tokyo; Borzemska W.B. 1985. Vademecum chorób drobiu. PWRiL, Warszawa; Jamroz D. i wsp. 2001. Żywienie zwierząt i paszoznawstwo. PWN, Warszawa; Larski Z., Truszczyński M. 1992. Zarys mikrobiologii weterynaryjnej. Wyd. ART. Olsztyn; Mazurkiewicz M. i wsp. 2005. Choroby Drobiu; Wachnik Z. 1984. Choroby drobiu, PWN, Warszawa.

Assessment methods: Completion of laboratory studies and clinical internship, final written or oral exam. Minimum required knowledge for passing: 60%
