ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: MRS10008o12
Semester: 2012/2013 winter
Name: Basics of microbiology
Major: Plant Medicine
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr Elżbieta Gębarowska
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Student has basic theoretical and practical knowledge about systematic, occurrence and metabolite activity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms. Student is able to characterize the most important domain of microorganisms and metabolic processes related to transformation of mineral and organic substances in agroecosystems. Student identifies the important microbial processes, which influence the growth and development of plants. They ably to explain the role of agronomic factors affected the activity of soil microorganisms. Student has the knowledge about of the cultivation and destroys of microorganisms. Student is able correctly evaluate activity and presence of microorganisms as well as its effect on growth and development of crop plants and on environment. Students can perform simple research tasks under the direction of tutor. Student knows specific rules and safety procedures, which should applied during the work with microorganisms. They know how to modify the metabolic activity of microorganisms in soil and crop products applying agronomic.

Competences: Student understands the process has done by microorganisms in different ecosystems and their influence on influence on environmental quality. He knows the role of microorganisms in shaping rhizosphere, soils and other environments. Student is aware about the necessity of application of principal safety rules due to common occurrence of potentially pathogenic microorganisms in environment. He has knowledge of the need for training and self-improvement in the area of possible threat appearance as well as in the area of possible application of new factors affecting the microbial activity in agroecosystems.

Prerequisites: Chemistry, Botany, Soil Science, Biochemistry

Course content: Biology of main groups of microorganisms and viruses. The role of microbial associations as a factor regulating soil fertility and as a factor of biotransformation of mineral and organic fertilizers. Rules of rational application of mineral and organic fertilization and pesticides. Microbial metabolic processes as factor affecting the plant health and food and fodder quality.

Recommended literature: E.A. Paul, F.E Clark "Mikrobiologia i biochemia gleb”, WUMCS, Lublin 2000 E. Gębarowska, S.J. Pietr, M. Stankiewicz, J. Kucińska, E. Magnucka, „Wybrane zagadnienia i materiały do ćwiczeń z mikrobiologii”. WUPW, Wrocław, 2010. J. Baj, Z. Markiewicz, “Biologia Molekularna Bakterii" PWN Warszawa, 2009.

Assessment methods: Knowledge: Laboratory course positive final note, Final writing exam. Skills: assessment single tasks on colloquium, rating during individual work tasks. Personal and social competences: evaluation of the effects of individual and collective work and discussion in the group.
