ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RIPS10035o12
Semester: 2012/2013 winter
Name: Economic law
Major: Production Engineering and Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 0 / 0
Lecturer: dr Kamila Kwaśnicka
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student has basic knowledge in economic law – public and private, course teaches the general principle of jurisdiction and doctrines. Student has basic knowledge about structures and the institution of the economic law itself. Student has basic knowledge concerning the legal situation of the entrepreneur and legal aspects of conducting a business activity. Student has basic knowledge about significant occurring amendments to the economic law. Skills: Student is able to interpret regulations of the economic law and how to use the legal sources and apply them to the specific situations and cases. Student is able to use acquired theoretical basic knowledge of the specific regulations in the destination of analysis of the economic law.

Competences: The student understands the essence of educations in the field of legal issues. The student develops his communications skills in order to exchange knowledge in the law field. The student knows politics concerning specific legal issues and is able to take a stance on the conducted discussions.


Course content: Introduction to the economic law, situating the economic law within legal science, standard bases of the economic freedom in Poland, the act of the proprietorship, principles of procedure and performing the business entity (sole proprietorship), concept of the entrepreneur and classification of entrepreneurs, common institutions for entrepreneurs, partnerships, companies in the organization, companies, comparison between companies and partnerships, duties concerning registration entrepreneurs, bankruptcy and rehabilitation law – general description.

Recommended literature: 1. A. Borkowski et al., Administracyjne prawo gospodarcze, Wrocław 2009. 2. A. Kidyba, Prawo handlowe, Warszawa 2011. 3. C. Kosikowski, Publiczne prawo gospodarcze Polski i Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2010. 4. T. Mróz, M. Stec, Prawo gospodarcze prywatne, Warszawa 2009. 5. J. Olszewski (red.), Prawo gospodarcze. Kompendium, Warszawa 2009. 6. J. Pakosiewicz (red. nauk.), Prawo gospodarcze i handlowe. Repetytorium, Warszawa 2008. 7. Z. Snażyk, A. Szafrański, Publiczne prawo gospodarcze, Warszawa 2011. 8. Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 2 kwietnia 1997 r. (Dz. U. Nr 78, poz. 483 z późn. zm.). 9. Ustawa z dnia 15 września 2000 r. – Kodeks spółek handlowych (Dz. U. Nr 94, poz. 1037 z późn. zm.). 10. Ustawa z dnia 23 kwietnia 1964 r. – Kodeks cywilny (Dz. U. Nr 16, poz. 93 z późn. zm.). 11. Ustawa z dnia 2 lipca 2004 r. o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej (tekst jedn.: Dz. U. z 2010 r. Nr 220, poz. 1447 z późn. zm.). 12. Ustawa z dnia 20 sierpnia 1997 r. o Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym (tekst jedn.: Dz. U. z 2007 r. Nr 168, poz. 1186 z późn. zm.). 13. Ustawa z dnia 28 lutego 2003 r. Prawo upadłościowe i naprawcze (tekst jedn.: Dz. U. z 2009 r. Nr 175, poz. 1361 z późn. zm.).

Assessment methods: Knowledge: conducting the credit in the run course. Skills: conducting the credit in the run course. Personal and social competences: evaluation of the communication abilities regarding the exchange of the knowledge within the scope of the law.
