ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: NTSS10133o13
Semester: 2013/2014 winter
Name: Food Analysis I
Major: Food Technology and Nutrition
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Tajner-Czopek
Language of instruction: Polish / English
The course in English will be available if a minimum of 6 students sign up for a group. If less than 6 students sign up for the group, the course will be available in Polish with the possibility of individual support in English.

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student after the course is able to define, explain and describe issues related to sensory analysis, organoleptic evaluation, food quality and standardization. Student is able to recognize and explain the differences between sensory analysis and organoleptic evaluation, indicate the conditions under which they proceed. Student is able to describe methods for determination of selected chemical composition in the food and can also offer a selection of an appropriate method of determining these components in selected food products. Skills: Student is able to carry out organoleptic evaluation and sensory analysis of selected food products and also able to prepare samples for signs and to plan and control the course of their evaluation. He can characterize the selected chemical composition on food. Student can indicate the presence of chosen ingredients in selected food products, propose a way of marking them and apply suitable equipment. Student knows how to interpret the obtained results and can used them conclusions.

Competences: Social skills (Attitude): The student is determined in the pursuit on the goal destination and is aware of how to achieve it. Demonstrates creativity in approach to tasks undertaken and attention to proper and systematic work. Is willing to work in a team and show openness to new ideas and concepts for the team. The student is aware that co-operation with a group of leading to faster achieve success. The student is able to express their own opinions.

Prerequisites: Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, mathematics

Course content: Knowledge of laboratory equipment: glassware, reagents, and apparatus. Acquainted with the concepts of sensory analysis, organoleptic evaluation, quality and standardization. Evaluation of physical and chemical properties of food products. Determination of dry matter, carbohydrates, protein, fat in raw materials and foods. Techniques for determination of chemical components and quality characteristics of food using specialized apparatus. Issues relating to sensory analysis and organoleptic evaluation of food products.

Recommended literature: 1.Tajner-Czopek A., Kita A.: Analiza żywności – jakość produktów spożywczych” Wydawnictwo A.R. Wrocław 2005. 2. Baryłko-Pikielna N., Matuszewska I.: „Sensoryczne badania żywności”. Podstawy-Metody-Zastosowania. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PTTŻ, Kraków 2009. 3. Pomeranz Y., Meloan C.E.: Food Analysis – Theory and practise. (3-ed). Chapman & Hall, New York. London 1994. 4. Bączkowicz M., Fortuna T., Juszczak L., Sobolewska-Zielińska J.: Podstawy analizy i oceny jakości żywności. Skrypt do ćwiczeń pod redakcją Teresy Fortuny. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rolniczego w Krakowie 2009.

Assessment methods: tests, the laboratory credit, credit reports, written examination
