ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RRSS10047o13
Semester: 2013/2014 winter
Name: Marketing and management in agriculture
Major: Agriculture
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 6
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 60 / 6
Lecturer: dr Marek Nowak, dr inż. Jan Spiak
Language of instruction: English

Learning outcomes: After the course the student gains the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that let him/her prepare and conduct marketing research on the market of agricultural products. The student will know how to analyze the environment of agricutltural business for planning and decision making purposes as well as determine farm resources. He/she also gains the ability to manage human resources and to administrate enterprise finances.

Competences: Knowledge and skills gained during the course will let the student to take charge of different positions in managing different types of farms, in sales and marketing departments in enterprises as well as run his/her own economical activity.

Prerequisites: Economy

Course content: Consumer needs,classification and characteristics of agricultural marktets, factors which influence prices and demand for agricultural products, consumer behaviour theory, methods of marketing research, marketing management. Classical and modern management methods, organizational and legal forms of enterprises, macro- and microanalysis of enterprise environment, analysis and rating of resources, managmement functions in: planning and decision making, organizing, conducting and motivating and controlling the results of enterprise activity.

Recommended literature: Altkorn J. 2003. Podstawy marketingu. Instytut Marketingu. Kraków. Kotler P. 1999. Analiza , planowanie, wdrażanie i kontrola. Felberg SJA, Warszawa. Cholewicka – Goździk K. 1997. Marketing w agrobiznesie. Materiały dla studentów akademii rolniczych. Fundacja Pomocy dla Rolnictwa, Warszawa. Czermiński A. i współautorzy, 2002. Zarządzanie organizacjami. Wyd. Dom organizatora, Toruń. Szymanowski W., Szczawiński M. 2002. Elementy nauki o przedsiębiorstwie. Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa. Woś A. i współautorzy 1996. Agrobiznes. Tom 1 – makroekonomika, tom 2 – mikroekonomika. Wyd. KEY TEXT, Warszawa

Assessment methods: obligatory credit after 4 i 5 semester, minimum 60 %of knowledge to pass,(written exam).
