ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BBS20210f13
Semester: 2013/2014 summer
Name: Reconstruction of the skulls and heads
Major: Biology
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 0
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 10 / 20 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. prof. nadzw. Barbara Kwiatkowska
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student: W1 - knows basic comparative anatomy of the skulls of humans and other primates and understand their use in the reconstruction of the skulls of human ancestors [KB2_W02_BC] W2 - knows method based on the reconstruction of the main bone remains [KB2_W07_BC] W3 - knows the basics of typological and morphological analysis of human skulls, as well as anatomy and morphology of the soft face [KB2_W01_BC] W3 - knows and describe the characteristics of the biological diversity of the human head in relation to age and gender as well as environmental conditions [KB2_W04_BC]. Skills: Student: U1-knows how to perform facial reconstruction on the basis of the skull, actually selects the morphological characteristics of the soft face up to sex and age of the individual, under the direction of supervisor independently performs the reconstruction [KB2_U03_BC, KB2_U01]; U2 - knows how to use their knowledge in collaboration with anatomami and artists in the creation and verification of anthropological reconstruction [KB2_U04_BC]

Competences: Social competence (attitudes): Student: K1 - can responsibly and effectively with the group and accepts assigned duties, organizes work [KB2_K02].

Prerequisites: comparative anatomy of animals, human anatomy, fundamentals of anthropology

Course content: The history and achievements of the Wrocław school reconstruction. The methodology of skulls and playback heads. Morphological differentiation of skulls and facial features in humans. Diversity of anatomical facial muscles and muscles of mastication. Changes with age of morphological face. Special features. The use of human appearance favorable course of reconstruction in practice.

Recommended literature: 1. J. Prag, R. Neave. 1997, Making faces. British Museum Press; 2. K.T.Taylor, 2001 ForensicArt and Illustration. CRP Press 3. Krupiński T., B. Kwiatkowska, Z. Rajchel,. 2005,Rekonstrukcje czaszek i głów. [w:] O nauce i kulturze. Pod red. Jana Mozrzymasa, t. X. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. 4. Krupiński T., B. Kwiatkowska, Z. Rajchel,. 2006,Błogosławiony Czesław - patron Wrocławia - antropologiczna rekonstrukcja głowy. [w:] Poznanie. Nauka. Piękno. Pod red. J. Gajdy - Krynickiej. Studium Generale t. 11. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. 5. Z. Rajchel 1988, Antropologiczne rekonstrukcje części kostnych i miękkich głów kopalnych form Hominoidea, Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis No992, Prace Zoologiczne t. XX.

Assessment methods: The current rating (based on oral statements) progress and activity. The presence of the exercises is compulsory, the student may have only one unauthorized absence. Students holding a valid pass a written test (20-25 closed questions) in the examination session. The test lasts 30 minutes. If you will fail the test the first time the student has the right to re-take it orally or in writing.
