ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IBS20077o13
Semester: 2013/2014 winter
Name: Drainage of Road Structures
Major: Civil Engineering
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Parylak
Language of instruction: Polish / English
Contact person: dr inż. Zofia Zięba

Learning outcomes: Knowledge Student after completing the course acquires knowledge on hydrogeological and hydrological considerations of drainage systems and design techniques of surface and subsurface drainage system, road surface drainage due to soil conditions (cohesive or non-cohesive), filtration protection, filters, water flow-regulating devices, collecting and leading the water away systems, managing pollutants infiltrating into the soil and groundwater by discharging it carefully from the road to avoid damages to the adjacent land. Skills Student knows how to design and execute efficient road drainage system and land area drainage during earthworks activity. Student is able to recognize suitable drainage system elements such as pipes, sand and gravel cushioning layers, geotextiles and evaluate road drainage system executing projects.

Competences: Student shows understanding for importance of efficient road drainage system and is aware of the serious damage that can be caused by an inappropriate drainage to road safety.

Prerequisites: soil mechanics, geology, hydraulics and hydrology, roads and highways, bridges.

Course content: Precipitation types, intensity and parameters. Rainfall receivers. Classification and range of surface and underground areas drainage systems issues. Runoff coefficient. Surface drainage system elements. Subsurface drainage system. Sewage designing. Side road drainage system. Soil filters. Determination of cushioning layers of sand and gravel containing one or more sheets. Storage reservoirs.

Recommended literature: J. Chudzicki. S. Sosnowski Instalacje kanalizacyjne. Projektowanie, wykonywanie, eksploatacja, Siedel – Przywecki, Warszawa 2004, R. Endel. Odwodnienia dróg. WKiŁ Warszawa, E. Mielcarzewicz, Melioracje miejskie i przemysłowa PWN, Wrocław 1977, K. Parylak, Odwodnienia budowlane. Podstawy projektowania z przykładami obliczeń, Skrypt Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu, 1988,Norma BN_8971_07_1986 Prefabrykaty budowlane betonu. Rury ciśnieniowe o przekroju kołowym, Norma PN-B-10729_1999 Kanalizacje Studnie kanalizacyjne, Norma PN-B-107236_1999 Roboty ziemne. Wykopy otwarte do przewodów kanalizacyjnych i wodociągowych, J. Sokołowski, A. Żbikowski, Odwodnienia budowlane i osiedlowe, Wydawnictwo SGGW Warszawa, 1993.

Assessment methods: Completion of one project, 2 tests, written exam.
