ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: ICSS10005o13
Semester: 2013/2014 winter
Name: National law, international law and labor law
Major: Safety Engineering
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 1
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 0 / 0
Lecturer: dr Marcin Sobota
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge ( 33%) : Student: - Defines the basic concepts of building a system of law; - Formulates the basic institutions of civil law, in particular the rights of property ; - Defines the basic institutions of administrative law process ; - Knows the rules of conduct in the preparation and drawing up of local planning documents ; Skills (33 %) : Student: - Provides an interpretation - interpretation of the law based on statutory law and case law ; - Draw up pleadings in the administrative procedure necessary to obtain the desired administrative decision ; - Complements the documentation necessary to obtain an entry in registers ; - Classifies legal entities appearing in a legal , - Is able to make a distinction on the basis of an individual property right; Social competence (33%) : Student: - Shows understanding for the need to interpret the law in the application of the law; - Organizes its role as a party to the process in the context of civil and administrative proceedings ; - Is aware of the need to use specific legislation and case law in order to protect their rights and shape liability rules ; Prerequisites: The content of education: Structure of the state. Rule of law, sources of law, the creation of law, the types of acts, interpretation of the law . Systematic of civil law. The property law, the concept of things , the classification of goods , property and assets, movable and immovable . Spatial boundaries of property rights , the right neighborhood , the issue of the borders of the land. Basic concepts of administrative law . The Law on Spatial Planning and Development . Land registers .



Course content: Structure of the state. Rule of law, sources of law, the creation of law, the types of acts, interpretation of the law . Systematic of civil law. The property law, the concept of things , the classification of goods , property and assets, movable and immovable . Spatial boundaries of property rights , the right neighborhood , the issue of the borders of the land. Basic concepts of administrative law . The Law on Spatial Planning and Development . Land registers .

Recommended literature: • Stefan Koritski , J. Mark Robinson , Zenon Trzcinski , George Zaborowski , the outline of Rights , Warsaw 2007 , B. Adamiak , J. Borkowski , Commentary on the Code of Administrative Procedure , Ed. CH Beck , Warsaw 1996, the Code of Administrative Procedure and model letters and forms , published by Sigma, Skierniewice 2005 Legislation: • Constitution of 07.02.1997 , the ( Dz.U.97.78.483 ) ; • Law of 16.06.1960 , the Code of Administrative Procedure ( Dz.U.00.98.1071 as amended. Amended . ) • Law of 23.04.1964 , the Civil Code ( Dz.U.64.16.93 as amended. Amended . ) • Labour Code Act of 26.06.1974 on ( Dz.U.98.21.94 as amended. Amended . ) • Law of 06.06.1997, the Penal Code ( Journal of Laws of 1998 No. 21 , item . 94, as amended. Amended . ) • Law of 27.04.2001 , the Environmental Protection Law ( Dz.U.01.62.627 as amended. Amended . ) • Law of 27.04.2001 on Waste ( Dz.U.01.62.628 as amended. Amended . ) • Law of 18.07.2001 , the Water Act ( Dz.U.01.115.1229 as amended. D. ) . • Law of 26.04.2007 on crisis management ( Dz.U.07.89.590 as amended. Amended). • Law of 24.08.1991 on the National Fire Service ( Dz.U.96.152.723 as amended. Amended . ) • Law of 24.04.2003 on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work ( Dz.U.03.96.873 as amended. Amended . ) • Law of 16.07.2007 telecommunications law (OJ 04.171.1800 with later . Amended . ) • Law of 04.07.1994 , the right equipment ( Dz.U.94.89.414 with later . Amended . ) • Law of 20.06.1997 , the Road Traffic Act . (Journal U.97.98.602 as amended. Amended . ) • Law of 08.09.2006 on the emergency medical services (Journal 191 , pos. 1410 , as amended . Amended . ) • Treaties establishing the European Communities and the Treaty of Lisbon's rich ; • The Treaty of Washington on 04/04/1949

Assessment methods: development of a Supreme Court judgment , written exam
