ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IISS20049o13
Semester: 2013/2014 summer
Name: Waste landfills
Major: Environmental Engineering
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. inż. Alicja Czamara, dr inż. Andrzej Pawłowski
Language of instruction: English
The course in English will be available if a minimum of 6 students sign up for a group - dr inż. Andrzej Pawłowski

Learning outcomes: Student knows the principles of location, construction, exploitation and closure of waste landfills. He can determine necessary area and infrastructure outfit needs. He is able to determine stability of landfill capping layers, quantity of leachate and landfill gas.

Competences: After completing the course student is able to prepare a concept of waste landfill project and elaboration of particular elements of landfill’s infrastructure.


Course content: Basics of waste management and landfills construction law. Wastes types and properties. Waste statistics. Landfills types and location. Outfit and elements o f landfills’ infrastructure. Environmental impact of waste landfill. Barriers and drainage systems of landfills base. Landfills gas production, characteristics and utilization. Principles of MSW landfills. Landfills of mineral wastes. Landfill closure and land reclamation. Monitoring.

Recommended literature: Bilitewski B., Härdtle G., Merk K., 2003: Podręcznik gospodarki odpadami, teoria i praktyka. Wydawnictwo „Seidel-Przywecki\\\\\\\" Sp. z o.o., Warszawa.
Instrukcje ITB nr: 337/9; 339/96; 340/96.
Piotrowska H., Bluhm-Kwiatkowski J., Litwin B., 2000: Zbiór zaleceń do programowania, projektowania i eksploatacji składowisk odpadów komunalnych, UMiRM/OBREM, Warszawa/Łódź.
Praca zbiorowa pod red. Kempy K., 1993: Gospodarka odpadami na składowisku. Arka Konsorcjum, Poznań.
Rosik-Dulewska Cz., 2005: Podstawy gospodarki odpadami, PWN, Warszawa.

Assessment methods: Obligatory confirmation of exercises on the base of landfill project discussion and defense. Written exam after the 1st semester, 60% of test points are necessary to pass the exam.
