ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BHS10046o13
Semester: 2013/2014 summer
Major: Animal Science
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 50
Lecturer: dr hab. Adam Roman, prof. nadzw.
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: W01– student knows the position of insect performance in the world of living organisms [BH1_W06]; W02 – student has ageneral knowledge of the structure andvital functions of honeybee and silkworm moth [BH1_W011]; W03 – students describes the phenomenon of bee functioning in the environment [BH1_W01, BH1_W06; BH1_W08; BH1_W07; BH1_W18; BH1_W19]; W04 – students knows basic apiary management and understands the impact of weather and environment on the colonies functioning [BH1_W07; BH1_W15]; W05 – student knows the basic of apiary marketing [BH1_W21]; W06 – student knows basic rules used during the work service in bees apiary [BH1_W22]. Skills: U01 – student properly handles the microscope and laboratory equipments a felly working with biological material [BH1_U05; BH1_U06; BH1_U12]; U02 – student has mastered basic methods of commercial rearing and breeding of insects (honeybees, bumblebees and some solitary bee species) [BH1_U12]; U03 – student distinguishes major species of productive insects and nectar plants used by bees [BH1_U10]; U04 – student knows how to perform the work in apiary and can review bee nests [BH1_U06]; U05 – student knows how to develop the project of apiary or plan of productive insects breeding [BH1_U15; BH1_U17].

Competences: Personal and social competencies (attitudes and behaviors): K01 – student understands the importance of bee insectsin nature [BH1_K04; BH1_K06]; K02 - student must treat animals in responsible way [BH1_K03]; K03 – student has responsibility for entrusted equipment [BH1_K08]; K04 – student can keep safety rules during the work connected with sting insects [BH1_K08; BH1_K11]; K05 – student is aware why we have to protect the bees again stpoisoningand other side-effects of human activities [BH1_K05; BH1_K08].

Prerequisites: Prerequisites: zoology, botany

Course content: Course contents: The bees' systematic, environment of bees' life, the economic meaning of honeybees, the bumblebees and the solitary bees, honeybees biology, beekeeping technology, diseases and pests of the bees, bee's breeding and basis of genetics, rearing of the bees queens, methods of bumblebees breeding and solitary bees, base of nectar and pollen flow for bees; the systematic and environment of the silkworm's life, biology and breeding of silkworm, silkworm's food base.

Recommended literature: 1. Banaszak J.: Pszczoły i zapylanie roślin; PWRiL Oddz. w Poznaniu, 1987. 2. Gałuszka H.: Podstawy pszczelnictwa; skrypt dla szkół wyższych, Kraków, 1983. 3. Kostecki R., Tomaszewska B.: Choroby i szkodniki pszczół; PWRiL, Warszawa, 1987, wyd. II poprawione i uzupełnione. 4. Ostrowska W.: Gospodarka pasieczna; PWRiL, Warszawa, 1985, Wyd. III poprawione i uzupełnione. 5. Pidek A.: Wychów matek pszczelich; PWRiL, Warszawa, 1987. 6. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Prabuckiego J.: Pszczelnictwo; Wydawnictwo Promocyjne „Albatros”, Szczecin, 1998. 7. Roman A.: Podstawy pszczelarstwa. Wyd. AR Wrocław, 2006. 8. Skowronek W.: Pszczelnictwo; Instytut Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa Oddział Pszczelnictwa, Pszczelnicze Towarzystwo Naukowe, Puławy, 2001. 9. Wojtacki M.: Produkty pszczele i przetwory miodowe; wyd. VI, PWRiL, Warszawa, 1988.

Assessment methods:
