ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: JOS10001o13
Semester: 2013/2014 winter
Name: Foreign language - level A1
Major: (języki obce)
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 0
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 0 / 120 / 0
Lecturer: mgr Ewa Hajdasz
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Basic and selected, everyday vocabulary, simple communicative phrases – according to the requirements on A1 Level (CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference, 2001 - European Reference Level Descriptions in Learning, Warsaw 2003).



The student should be able to understand:
• simple words and sentences related to greeting, saying goodbye,
• everyday activities; slow and clear questions and instructions;
• the message of clear and short announcements.


The student should be able to read short and simple texts aloud and should be able to understand:
• overall contents of easy information materials;
• short, simple description especially with additional graphic content;
• short and simple written instructions.


The student should be able to:
• introduce himself/herself; spell his or her name and surname;
• give his or her personal data;
• ask about his or her interlocutor’s personal data;
• talk about himself or herself and his or her family;
• describe his or her daily routines.


The student should be able to write:
• a short text about himself or herself; a short e-mail;
• holiday postcard; about where he or she lives and what he or she does;
• about what he or she likes and how he or she relaxes.

Competences: The student should be able to get by socially on a basic level using simple fixed communicative phrases.

Prerequisites: No required language competence.

Course content:

Recommended literature: French:
Miquel, Claire, Vocabulaire progressif du Français avec 250 exercises, CLE, Paris, 2010.
Giradet, Jacky, CAMPUS 1, méthode de français 1, CLE, Paris 2004.
Giradet, Jacky, CAMPUS 1, méthode de français 1, Cahier d'exercises, CLE, Paris 2004.
Delatour, Yves, Grammaire pratique du français en 80 fiches, Hachette, Paris, 2000.
Labascoule, Josiane, Rond Point, 1, Relié, Madrid, 2004.
Denyer, M., Version originale 1, Difusion, Madrid, 2009.
Liria, P., Les cahiers de grammaire française, Niveau survie, Difusion, Madrid, 2011.
Compulsory books:
1. F. Castro Viúdez, P. Díaz Ballesteros, I. Rodero Díez, C. Sardinero Franco, ESPAÑOL EN MARCHA, NIVEL BÁSICO, SGEL, Madrid 2009.
2. D. Nieto-Kuczyńska, D. Nieto-Rasiński, ARCOÍRIS, Przystanek EDU, Wrocław 2012.
3. E. Martín Peris, N. Sans Baulenas, GENTE A1, LektorKlett, Barcelona 2006.
Additional materials:
1. M. Ángeles Palomino, DUAL-PRETEXTOS PARA HABLAR, Edelsa-Grupo Didascalia, Madrid 2000.
2. F. Castro Viúdez, APRENDE A1, APRENDE A2, APRENDE B1, SGEL, Madrid 2006.
3. M. Baralo, M. Genís, M.E. Santana, VOCABULARIO, Anaya, Madrid 2010.
4. E. Martín Peris, N. Sans Baulenas, GENTE A1, LektorKlett, Barcelona 2006.
5. L. Gómez de Olea, P. López Pernía, EL NUEVO CURSO A1, Langenscheidt, Kraków 2007.
6. M. Ángeles Casado, A. Martínez, A. M. Romero, PRISMA NIVEL A1, Edinumen, Madrid 2009.
Materiały multimedialne:
VideoEle-Vídeos para aprender español como lengua extranjera:
1.Daniela Niebisch, Sylvette Penning- Himstra, Franz Specht, Monika Bovermann, Monika Reinmann, Schritte international 1, 2, 3, 4 Max Hueber Verlag 2006.
2.Hermann Funk, Christiane Kuhn, Silke Demme, Studio D 1, 2, Cornelsen Verlag Berlin 2005.
3.Anni Fischer-Mitziviris, Sylvia Jahnke-Papanikolau, Ausblick 1, 2; Max Hueber Verlag 2008.
4.Martin Müller, Paul Rusch, Theo Scherling, Lukas Wertenschlag, Optimal 1, 2, Langenscheidt Verlag 2005.
5.Hartmut Aufderstrasse, Heiko Bock, Mechthild Gerdes, Jutta Müller, Helmut Müller, Themen neu 1, Max Hueber Verlag 2002.
6.Renate Luscher, Übungsgrammatik für Anfänger, Verlag für Deutsch 2009.
7.Maria Christina Berger, Maddalena Martini Generation E Deutschsprachige Landeskunde im europäischen Kontekst, Klett 2006.
8.Barbara Gottstein-Schramm, Susanne Kalender, Franz Specht, Barbara Duckstein Schritte Übungsgrammatik Niveau A1-B1 Hueber Verlag 2010.

Russian: Compulsory books:
1. Małgorzata Wiatr-Kmieciak, Sławomira Wujec - ВОТ и МЫ - część 1 (podręcznik i zeszyt ćwiczeń), Wydawnictwo Szkolne PWN Warszawa 2008.
2. Barbara Charasz, Krystyna Kancewicz-Sokołowska - Język rosyjski - МОЯ ПРОФЕССИЯ - część 1 (podręcznik i zeszyt ćwiczeń) Wyd. REA Warszawa 2002.
Additional materials:
1. Marta Fidyk, Teresa Skup-Stundis, Nowe repetytorium z języka rosyjskiego, Wydawnictwo Szkolne PWN Warszawa 1999.
2. Teacher's own materials.

Assessment methods: Crediting the course based on attendance and active participation in the classes, evaluated homework, quizzes and presentations. The final examination checking reading comprehension, language structures and vocabulary.
