ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IWS10192o13
Semester: 2013/2014 winter
Major: Water Engineering and Managment
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Ryszard Pokładek
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Student knows the basic principles and the effects of the creation of integrated water management systems, and has a basic knowledge of water management, have knowledge of the impact of drainage on the environment, understand the main rules for the planning and management of water resources in objects of different agricultural land use; know the basic factors driving and efficient water management in the basin with different disposable resources, understands the desirability of creating integrated water management systems.Skills: Student can define the rules and describe the usefulness of creating an integrated water and economic systems, is able to propose and justify the appropriate options for decision-making related to the design, execution and operation of an integrated water management; know how to choose the appropriate system for improving water management of soils in areas with limited water storage capacity, is able to determine effects of the investment in the planned management of water.

Competences: Personal and social competences (attitudes and behaviors): Student show understanding of the importance of the desirability of creating an integrated water-economic systems, is aware of the need for appropriately selected water management systems in the environment. Non-economic understands the importance of water to the public.

Prerequisites: irrigation, drainage

Course content: The advisability of creating an integrated water management systems in the environment. The system as a link between many elements that constitute a more or less independent units, systems and subsystems. The rules for creating water-economic systems and water drainage. The implementation of a water management plan. Observations of ground water levels.

Recommended literature: 1. Ciepielowski (red.) i inni: Metodyka zagospodarowania zasobów wodnych w małych zlewniach rzecznych. Wyd. SGGW Warszawa, 1995. 2. Cieśliński Z. (red.) i inni: Agromelioracje w kształtowaniu środowiska rolniczego. Wyd. AR Poznań, 1997. 3. Gospodarowanie wodą w rolnictwie w różnych warunkach środowiskowych. Postępy Nauk Rolniczych 1/2011, nr 345. 4. Marcilonek S.: Eksploatacja urządzeń melioracyjnych. Wyd. AR Wrocław, 1994. 5. Melioracje wodne w inżynierii kształtowania środowiska. Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, PAN. Z. 528, Warszawa 2008. 6. Mikulski Z.: Gospodarka wodna. PWN Warszawa, 1998. 7. Mioduszewski W., Pierzgalski E. i inni. Zwiększanie możliwości retencyjnych oraz przeciwdziałanie powodzi i suszy w ekosystemach leśnych na terenach nizinnych. Warszawa 2009 r.

Assessment methods: completion of the project, a written exam
