ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BHS20265f13
Semester: 2013/2014 winter
Major: Animal Science
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 20 / 32
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Damian Knecht, prof. nadzw.
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: W01 - knows the factors determining the quality of pork [BH2_W06]; [R2A_W03]; W02 - has general knowledge of the sourcing, preservation and processing of pork [BH2_W11]; [R2A_W05]; W03 - knows the methods, techniques and tools used in the evaluation of raw materials and pork products [BH2_W07]; [R2A_W03]. U01 - has the ability to select and apply methods and sensory and analitical equipment to asses raw material and pork products [BH2_U09]; [R2A_U06]; U02 - can analyse the impact of pork production various conditions on the quality of obtaining pork [BH2_U11]; [R2A_U07].

Competences: K01 - understand the need to update the knowledge of evaluation of raw material and pork technology [BH2_K01]; [R2A_K01]; K02 - apple to work individualy or in group, perform the task, lead and control the effects of the work [BH2_K02]; [R2A_K02]; K03 - is aware of the responsibility for task and team members during laboratory studies [BH2_K03]; [R2A_K03].

Prerequisites: Knowing of the basic knowledge in the field of the structure and functions of living organisms. Subjects: anatomy and physiology of animals.

Course content: To acquaint students with the basic premises and principles of management in the meat industry. Preparation of good quality raw material base for the meat plants industry, knowledge of factors affecting the efficiency of fattening. Consumer demand, consumption trends will be confronted with the current processing technology, incorporating the latest trends in this area. Developing students' ability to apply the procedures and instruments for assessing the meat.

Recommended literature: 1. Grudniewska B.: Hodowla i użytkowanie trzody chlewnej, Wydawnictwo AR-T, Olsztyn, 1998. 2. Krełowska-Kułas M.: Badanie jakości produktów spożywczych, PWE, Warszawa, 1993. 3. Olszewski A.: Technologia przetwórstwa mięsa, Wydawnictwo Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa, 2007. 4. Kijowski J., Sikora T.: Zarządzanie jakością i bezpieczeństwem żywności, WNT, Warszawa, 2003. 5. Zalewski R. I.: Zarządzanie jakością w produkcji żywności, AE Poznań, 2004. 6. Pisula A., Pospiech E.: Mięso: Podstawy nauki i technologii, SGGW Warszawa, 2011.

Assessment methods:
